Smokey´s Bulletin
Maybe some of you have been wondering what our Rangers were up to for the past few days.... so we decided to bring you this little bulletin in an effort to keep the public posted on all developements regarding our lovely national forest.
OOC Context:
As I had to take a 2 week break [i was moving, unpacking boxes and all] things have not slowed down largely thanks to the recent chain of groundbreaking updates brought by the ingenius LL dev team. For once new tools like the resizer allowed us to rebuild almost all Ranger Stations or other clan related dupes that got effected by the csgo removal (other then the rescue station and boating system which heavily depended on them). Im looking forward however to fix or replace those two too.
New and Old Building Developements:
Unfortunatly only a few days after the new Evo National Forest - Visitor Center at Downtown Motors has opened, a car crash and subsequent structure fire damage large parts of the building. After a weeks of hard work we are pleased to announce however that the building has been restored and reopened.
There has also been some construction over at the lake were we rennovated an previously abandoned Firewatchtower and put it back into service. This means the Forest service now runs the following facilites:
- Evo National Forest - Visitor Center | located at DTM a community center with a large fireplace and working pooltabble (297props)
- Grassy Fields Substation" located near Grassy Fields | our smalles Ranger Station currently hosting our SAR Team (for now) (170p)
- Hidden Village Ranger Station | Our Main Ranger Station near hidden village (260p)
- Lake Evo Lookout | Our firewatchtower and Lifeguard post at Lake Evo (170p)
We are of course eager to expend our list of facilities in an attempt to cater to every visitors need.
Fleet Expansion:
Thanks in large part to Ranger Muffallo whos been busy in the garage we are excited to roll out the first set of brand new cars for the Forest Service Fleet. Whilst we were previously restricted to a sizable but limited fleet with a white color scheme, we are now able to add almost every available on the streets to the USFS Flee in various variations. Here is a little sneak peak: