(Aug 23, 2018, 03:40 PM)33_Советский Союз Wrote: "AyeeAnonymous You did help with us taking town hall, you said I'm putting my gun away and "pretending" to be a hostage you are lying to avoid getting punishment on the server. Also, Markus, you did help with the taking of town hall to you only stopped because you got killed and you said on discord " I'm stopping this RP because I don't want my reputation ruined on the server" they where your words to be exact.
If you look at the log at the date in mind you can some of the people saying that they weren't in the raid/taken over of the town hall did shoot at police/swat and did some of them pretending to be a hostage.
Also we "raided" PD as we asked and paid by Admiral to break someone out of it. So we did, Admiral then joined the communist so at that point I didn't take payment because he joined the communist so he gives his life to help the Rockford city out of the dark day.
May I also add, the day beforehand this happened. I was doing Communist RP for over 12 hours, keep this mind to someone to say in this PR "Every time when we try to roleplay, they will just mess everything up." I do Roleplay with the Communist I have done gun stores with the communist RP I have done bases with the communist RP and other such Roleplays. Doing passive/aggressive RP with the background.
I have followed "[font=open_sansregular, Arial,]3.1 - Your character needs to have a valid in-character reason for their actions, especially ones that harm or otherwise affect other players. The action needs to be appropriate to the reason e.g massacring the entire police force is not an appropriate response to being hit with a baton by a single corrupt officer. " [/font]
I have never broken this Rule while doing this RP "[font=open_sansregular, Arial,]13.5 - Do not commit a crime with the sole intent of getting into a chase and/or firefight with the police. " [/font]
The fact that I did help the town hall take over and hostage thing is true, the fact that there was no President made me think that it is acceptable, of which is the case?
I joined the town hall in a new life, yet as I say, I was fully unarmed, Xenon knows this. I didn't have time to equip a weapon because the gunfight started. I didn't want to die (again) so when we went to the town hall I scoped out the elevator to tell Xenon who came up. When the gunfight outside ended, we knew we were screwed. I then came up with the idea that we may as well free one guy instead of both dieing. Xenon then fully went with the idea and took me hostage. The police ended up killing Xenon and freed me. But I can fully say that during the town hall raid, I was unarmed.
To both Panzer and Callum (hope I spelt ur name right). Seeming as you're both the most annoyed at me, I don't mean any fault. What I stated here can be validated by the police involved in town hall and Xenon.
I don't want you guys to hate me, if I did do anything wrong I'm sure admins will deal with it.

(Btw, my computer hard drive broke so I won't be able to get on gmod till fix.)