You asked originally for permission to start up a communist regime, to which I said no in the first place as you were hardly established to the role and I generally expect a bit of development to start before jumping straight into things. Despite me clearly telling you no, you decide to go ahead and do this anyway, without neither mine or Stell's consent in the matter.
[L²:RP] Cherno
said "@ Permission to do communist regime rp?"
[L²] Daddy Nightmare
said "!rs cherno You've only just gotten into the role if I recall. No, you can't."
From this point, you argue my decision and begin to say how you did it yesterday for 5 hours.
[L²:RP] Cherno
said "@ Well yes, why does that matter? I did communist regime rp like yesterday for 5 hours no problem"
[L²] Daddy Nightmare
said "!rs cherno It means you haven't even attempted to develop your RP yet. You may have done it yesterday for 5 hours, but that doesn't really impact today."
Then you try to clarify what you intend to RP, which really makes no difference as both meanings are almost identical in what you want to try and achieve.
[L²:RP] Cherno
said "@ All right may I rephrase that, may I turn Rockford into a communist regime?"
You didn't receive a response to this, as I was thinking the above. They meant the same thing. I denied it once, so my denial would stand for this as well. Even so, just because I don't respond doesn't grant you an approval to your RP. People have been punished for this before, and you are no exception to this.
Only 3 minutes later, you begin to start broadcasting about your newly founded communist regime RP, which I denied. You skipped around my decision to do what you wanted. That's extremely disrespectful, and almost says that you have no regard for what I have to say - which is why the punishment was issued.
After speaking to Stell to confirm whether you went to him for permission instead, he said no.
I then ask why you've decided to skip around my denial, and go ahead with it anyway.
[L²] Daddy Nightmare
said "!rs cherno Why are you proceeding with something which hasn't been permitted by a member of staff?"
[L²:RP] Cherno
@ requested "I am not being a dictator, I have even invited people to come with ideas"
[L²:RP] Cherno
@ requested "I am building a perfect society"
[L²:RP] Cherno
@ requested "Or am I being a dictator?"
[L²:RP] Cherno
@ requested "Can you please confirm?"
So despite you not even being sure if what you were doing
was a dictatorship RP, you decide to go ahead with it anyway.. right.
[L²] Daddy Nightmare
@ requested "!rs cherno You should have confirmed before even going ahead. Proceeding without staff permission is pushing the boundary. I would say so, yes."
I point this out because it's very much true. Without even being sure of what your doing is within the boundaries of the rules? Why proceed? Especially when I've already told you not to. You went past my decision, and you were punished. I stated I thought it was a dictatorship, as it seemed extremely out of place for you to have the laws that you had at the time.
From that message, you didn't respond. Instead, you were too focused on trying to call up people to your office for meetings rather than the correct approach of holding up your hands, admitting that you shouldn't have proceeded and had made a mistake, and asked everyone to return as if everything was normal, though this wasn't done. Rather than doing this, you wait a while and attempt to ask for permission again, despite how it may seem.
[L²:RP] Cherno
@ requested "Do I have permission for communist regime now?"
[L²] Daddy Nightmare
@ requested "!rs cherno I really hope your joking. It won't be approved, seeing how you skipped past the original denial to do this anyway."
[L²:RP] Cherno
@ requested "I didn't do any dictator rp as I told you, I was preparing my new government policies"
Obviously, denied again. Why would I approve of something that I denied in the first instance? Even after the individual involved clearly shows no regard to what I say? In response to the last piece of the log, why prepare "new government policies" outside of staff approval? Do it when your certain you have permission, not before.
[L²] Daddy Nightmare
@ requested "!rs cherno You asked for permission to go ahead with a community party regime, I denied it, you proceeded anyway. That's extremely disrespectful to completely disregard what I'm saying and go ahead anyway."
[L²:RP] Cherno
@ requested "I am just a communist leader, a communist regime would be my entire r e g i m e being communist"
[L²:RP] Cherno
@ requested "So I did not intend any disrespek"
Whilst you may not have intended any disrespect, I take great offense to those who decide to go against what I've told them. It's rude. As I've pointed out above, it shows you don't give any care or regard to what I say - which is why rule 1.5 is there. To ensure that you do.
Short story is Cherno, I told you not to do something and yet you decided to do it anyway. Purely disrespectful and rude, thus the punishment was issued and I find it completely valid. To ensure that I wasn't letting my own thoughts on the case cloud my judgement, I also spoke to @
Enzyme (over text) and @
Doctor Internet (over voice) regarding the situation, where both agreed with me that what you did was in breach of the rule you've been punished for.