May 12, 2018, 09:04 AM
Reported Players: Nookiro 神 (STEAM_0:0:142960071) (@'Fear')
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-May-12 06:56
Summary: Had a simple contraband/weed operation going on in one of the slum apartments for a bit until a cop, Tom, decided to investigate. He eventually heard some noise that sounded suspicious, which I downplayed as an Espresso machine but frankly that only lasted one cycle. My acquaintance was outside attempting to deflect from the situation and discourage him from investigating further - however this eventually escalated to trash talking and threats which resulted in an eventual search warrant and exchange of gunfire between myself and two officers, Tom & (Nookiro 神), and I took plenty of damage to the point I was on the brink of death. I popped off a lucky shot which might've nicked one of them in the face and caused them to back-off which gave me time to disarm in the bathroom and then bolt out the front door, running upstairs while being pursued on foot and then jumping off into a car I had parked out back. The chase ended there as I got away and found someone who was able to sell me some health_kits that I used to replenish my HP before returning in disguise to find an opportunity to get the flank on an officer that finished clearing the scene and while he was just about to walk out of our apartment - I lunged myself in front with the barrel of a Colt 1911 pointed at his face and forcing him into the bathroom where he was eventually forced onto the toilet, tied and blind-folded while we began to talk about how to best recuperate our losses. During this time the other officer arrived on scene and we began to talk about how to best handle the situation and that we were looking to make back some of the money we had just lost in exchange for the life of his partner. I was in the bathroom, weapon drawn and in cover, while I had my acquaintance open the door to begin verbal discussion. Unfortunately the officer, (STEAM_0:0:142960071), had it in his brain that he'd try to run in past my acquaintance and into the bathroom to tase me despite me having my weapon drawn and the life of himself and his partner at risk thinking, as chat logs can prove, that he simply thought he could tase someone with a weapon. In my mind - this is a clear and extreme violation in regards to FailRP and FearRP and someone with 200+ hours should know how to properly RP in situations like this.
Evidence: Apologies for keyboard slamming as I'm an aggressive typist
(This post was last modified: May 12, 2018, 10:21 AM by Nev. Edited 3 times in total.)