May 1, 2018, 10:06 AM
(May 1, 2018, 08:54 AM)Jokhah Wrote: You got people who want to work on the code here at LL. Sadly, some of them get downvoted because they are confrontational and/or very direct.
Aye. Unfortunately developers, and somewhat contributors are expected to uphold the image of the community. Whilst being blunt isn't a bad thing (as the rest of the team knows, I'm the bluntest motherfucker there is here), sometimes being blunt can be misconstrued as being aggressive or what-have-you. However, some fairly recent internal changes have minimised the issues from that.
(May 1, 2018, 08:54 AM)Jokhah Wrote: I keep you up to speed on what I am learning in college, pretty much as I learn it. With a little help, I could work on lua. Shell scripting in linux and .java are both based off C like lua. The only real difference is syntax from what I can tell, which isn't so bad when you understand how things work logically to the computer. The fundementals of most languages are the same, when you get down to it. Learning to code is 75% learning how to think, rather than how to write.
(May 1, 2018, 08:54 AM)Jokhah Wrote: I'm not going to bother with a contributor app till someone comes back to me and says to put one up after how the last one went down. The social voting (which I'm not even sure if it counts) is a shit-show for contributor applications. Still wrapping my mind around how people care more about social status rather than getting code work done, but I've been struggling to keep on an acceptable level for months now. See above response (post a new one).
(May 1, 2018, 08:54 AM)Jokhah Wrote: I can't be the only one who's tried and been rejected, but it's kinda insulting to see things like "we don't have enough" when I've actually tried to lend a hand. Still willing to contribute my time to help with coding, have learned .java and linux since my last app. I agree, it is insulting. However, at the time policy was different. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Afraid there's not much more I can say.
(May 1, 2018, 08:54 AM)Jokhah Wrote: Also I still think that this GM would run better off a Dark RP core, where there would be far less work getting content to function properly. Clinging to this ancient GM and having to constantly try to clean up expired code while also trying to rewrite everything so you can have it, its obviously not the most successful idea ever. Don't get me wrong, props to the team for keeping it going, but doing it at this point seems more out of pride and maybe spite, than for the benefit of the game or players. Who knows. DarkRP is better documented, but CityRP has a number of systems built into its core which DarkRP does not. In my opinion, it would be about the same amount of work in the long run to get it working on DarkRP than to rebuild from the core up.
(May 1, 2018, 08:54 AM)Jokhah Wrote: And before you kids start ranting about "dark rp... ew," the GM is a series of logic statements. The UI, Menu, Weapons, Jobs, Database, and everything else can be put onto that core (with some work in some cases, less than you'd imagine considering most of the content was re-written from dark rp) to make the same game really. Haven't found one piece of content or functionality that City RP has, that cannot be reproduced on a stronger, more developed core. Agreed, however it's the time that it would take to re-write all the core plugins, libraries, functions etc, so that they all work as they were before, on the DarkRP base.
(May 1, 2018, 08:54 AM)Jokhah Wrote: Lastly, while city rp has been around for many years, the development and refinement that has gone into that was stagnant till LL opened. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(Apr 28, 2018, 04:57 PM)Blazing Wrote: An ongoing problem with Limelight has been performance for the end-user, and although a lot of this is down to players having sub-par systems, performance and stability is relatively poor compared to other servers of a similar nature such as Fearless. I can agree that the quality is mixed. Some are really low quality, some are rather high. The issue is the varience there.
(Apr 28, 2018, 04:57 PM)Blazing Wrote: There have been a lot of updates recently, especially in the last year or so, but from what I have seen, there has been little to no effort in optimising performance. CityRP Relase Candidate
Network Updates
My own optimisation updates.
They may not be as highly noted by the community as content updates, but they are there.
(Apr 28, 2018, 04:57 PM)Blazing Wrote: Updates have been high in quantity, but they have failed to significantly impact gameplay; I would call them 'cheap and cheerful' updates. Excuses have been made that performance is a fault of Garry's Mod itself, but whilst that is true, it seems that performance on Limelight is not being bottlenecked by it. Larger updates require more planning. Our planning has been limited with a number of issues, which makes it slower. Larger updates take longer to code. There are a number of large updates being planned and worked on.
(Apr 28, 2018, 04:57 PM)Blazing Wrote: If things continue like this, I feel that we'll have a case similar to Samsung with their earlier smartphones, who added a ton of gimmicky features, very few of them being useful, creating performance issues which Samsung are still trying to address today. However, we're requiring periods focusing on the optimisation of new updates, including myself being essentially dedicated to optimisation at this point.
(Apr 28, 2018, 04:57 PM)Blazing Wrote: Aspects of performance and stability which are in particular need of addressing are the lag spikes when opening the F1 menu, game crashes and frame times (separate to FPS, read here to find out a bit more about it). Gameplay feels very choppy and lacks fluidity, even if the FPS may suggest otherwise. Frame Time = 1 / Frame Rate
However, I agree with feeling choppy. That being said, whilst on an empty HL2RP server (similar codebase), I'd only get a slight smoothing, with a ~20% increase in framerate. However, that's just my personal experience with the matter.
(Apr 30, 2018, 07:42 PM)Blazing Wrote: It's frustrating that the argument being used against performance optimisation is that it would stop updates, because I think the updates have been quite disappointing in impact, meaning a lot of this time has been lost. So your method to resolve low-impact updates is to stop all updates? That seems somewhat counterproductive to me.
(Apr 30, 2018, 07:42 PM)Blazing Wrote: You could argue that a lack of updates would drive away players, but there hasn't been a major update for a while now. These small, 'cheap and cheerful' updates create hype for perhaps a week or two at most to increase the player base temporarily, but they don't seem to have a significant impact in the long term. A lot of new weapons have been added, but they have a negligible impact as the majority of players will always just use the 'best', or most cost-effective weapon. Those new weapons were added in C&C, which itself was a major update. The last major update would be the still-ongoing REP overhaul update.
(Apr 30, 2018, 07:42 PM)Blazing Wrote: Something which Limelight could probably do is polishing the in-game experience as a whole.
To my eye, the user interface is a pretty terrible attempt at mimicking a Windows 10 theme, with inconsistent design, and a poor, outdated colour scheme. Menus feel clunky, and it is obvious that they were created by different people with different visions. Different people have different opinions. I personally, aisde from the sluggish initial load times, have no issue with the F1 menu or the HUD.
(Apr 30, 2018, 07:42 PM)Blazing Wrote: It seems that updates are often rushed out, resulting in completely dead features like the Stock Exchange, which was released and then abandoned very quickly. Yes, we know about the Stock Exchange. A lot of bile has flown around internally because of it too. It was released too early, which has already been acknowledged by @ Jono.
(Apr 30, 2018, 07:42 PM)Blazing Wrote: There are a lot of vehicles which are pretty useless due to how awful they are to handle. Vehicles are bieng trimmed down.
(Apr 30, 2018, 07:42 PM)Blazing Wrote: Very little foresight was done with regards to how big of a change a switch to Rockford would be, resulting in the majority of the map being a complete dead zone, and very little passive roleplay due to a lack of locations where players' roleplays can actually be seen. Unfortunately, the community voted for Rockford. That was a change dictated by the will of the community.
(Apr 30, 2018, 07:42 PM)Blazing Wrote: The issue of an inactive staff team who are over-reliant on a few newer staff members has been discussed for a long time now, with little signs of movement. Bolder decisions need to be made. This really has nothing to do with optimisation, or even development though. I'd suggest speaking to @ Overlewd or @ Enzyme, since they'd be in a better position to deal with those issues.