Out of Character Information
Steam Name: Pufitee
Steam id: STEAM_0:1:419558917
Your Age: 15
Hours on server: Around 750+
RP Events you have been in: Been in plenty, i try to join in any that come up.
Reps Issued: 9
Ban History on Limelight: 4 Bans on record.
Blacklist History on Limelight: 19 Blacklists on record.
Warning history on Limelight: 3 Warnings on record.
In Character Information:
(Be as creative as you can)
Division you are applying for:
FUMUKU International Security Division
Full Name: Tyler "Fuckin" Clarke
All Nicknames: Tyler.
Age: 25
Date of Application: 00/04/18
Date of birth: 15 / 03 / 1993
Gender: M
Place of Birth: Yorkshire, England
Telephone Number: 07700 900301
Mobile: 07700 900332
Driver's License Number: 616 067 108 334
Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 10 Richard Drive
Zip code: 08817
Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 42 England Road
Zip code: 26554
Why are you applying? I'm applying because i have been looking up to the group for quite a while now and recently
getting to know the members more making me want to join even more. I also believe i have the skills to be a good
asset in the team.
What is your background in the field you are applying for? I started off working as a police officer in the UK
which i served there for multiple years until i made my move to america then working with the swat team for two
years until i got demoted because my trigger finger got out of hand and i ended up murdering 5 unarmed people and 3
officers. I obviously went to prison because of my crime but i got out quick because of a few officers i know that
work in the prison i went to. When i got out with no charges on me i turned to making money and getting involved
with crime, my kill count to this day is 53-0. I have decided to stop doing my crimes and turn to a reliable
company for a much better future.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I believe i have all the skills necessary to join FUMUKU with all of my skills
to complete the necessary task that is set. I would say that i am a reliable person to get the job done any time of
the day,week or year... I'm a very trustworthy person with keeping top secret information to myself even if i die
because of it. You wont be disappointed at all if i get employed.
What will you offer FUMUKU? Its hard to say what i would offer FUMUKU because there would be too much to read but
i will give you a small brief what i can do for FUMUKU... Kicking ass, even if it involves risking my own life to
do so. Getting the job done 100% right and on time, you wont be disappointed at all when you give tell me what
needs doing.
Character Bio: Tyler was born in Yorkshire, England in a little hospital in a nice town called puffi town. When he
got older he applied to for a job with the police force and got it. He served the force for multiple years until
personal issues got to him so he decided to move over to Evocity. When he was there he worked as a swat unit until
he killed some innocent lives then later got demoted from the team and placed in jail. Luckily he knew a corrupt
officer who worked there and got let out early. He then turned to a life of crime racking in a lot of money until
wanted a better future so he decided to turn to FUMUKU for a new lifestyle.