My amplification to Fufufu
Steam Name: Jilly Beans
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:29964011
Your Age: old enough to be yer grampa, or grandma, if that's your fancy
Hours on server: yes, both hours
and minutes
RP Events you have been in: that one where the police had to shoot bang bang, god that was cool
Reps Issued: i got a lotta stree rep ye
Ban History on Limelight: it all began in 1936...
Blacklist History on Limelight what is this, blacklistory month? hahaha lmao
Warning history on Limelight: i was told not to try this at home
In Character Information:
(Be as creative as you can)
My name is Jilly Beans, I sell beans and bean accessories, in fact, I own a whole bean... jacket... just bean, I own a whole bean. I mean I own a whole bean store, right, a store where I sell beans. Yeah, that's a thing, ever went to a restaurant and said
"I'd have uhhhh the beans" ? and they come around with a big ol' platter full'o'beans? Where do you think they got those nice beans? Jilly Bean's Bean Store. I also sell bins for beans, bean bins, if you will. They say
"hey, ever been to the Bean's Beans n' Bean Bin Store?" and a good customer says
"yeah I been to the bean n' bean bin Bean's store". What do you call a man who loves beans? A beaner! what do you call a man who
used to like beans? a has-beaner!
What? No, I don't know of any "Billy Jeans" no sirrybob no idea, whats all that talk about Jeans? Never have I even SEEN a jacket let alone a... beautiful.. bean jacket- I mean jean jacket... not the pants... where was I?
Division you are applying for: FUMUKU International Agricultural Research Division MULTIPLICATION. That's right, I am applying for head of the Agricamulture Read and Search MULTIPLICATION not division, you don't divide around here no more! With me ahead of this Multiplication we will no longer see ourselves forced to chop our legumes in halves, or quarters- or even God forbid-
octaves. "Division" heh, that's defeatism right there and I won't stand (or sit, or lay down, nor lay halfies like when you're sorta in bed but not alseep just reading) for it! No more! And take this piss of advice sonny- rename all your other """""divisions""""" to multiplications and you'll see worker morale boost through the roof, like a bean through the well-watered soil!
Full Name: Jilly Fat Tiddy Beans
All Nicknames: Jill, Jil, Ji-l, J-Lo, Jolly, Jilly Been, Mister Beans, Jilly Lean Beans 4 Teens Beans, Jilly Beandick, Fat Retard, Bean-Brain, dumb, useless, god you're just like your dad, I wish I never had you, I should have aborted you fatty little retarded freak you'll never run a successful bean business in your life!!!!!!!!!!#11111111111 FUCK YOU MOTHER AAAAA
Age: 890 years old in bean-years
Date of Application: I applied the lotion last week and the bag of beans is still lost up my ass I can feel the beans when I push out my crap in the crapper doctor what ever shall I do?
Date of birth: I was never really registered my family didn't care so I usually just celebrate my birthday whenever I feel like it (btw it's my birthday

it would be really cool if I got into Fmamauku on my birthday it would mean a lot)
Gender: Homobean
Place of Birth: It's really hard to tell because my mother was drunk and had me in a sunday softball match, she laid on the ground with her legs up and pushed me, out like a little wet pingpong I flew upwards, before being struck by a baseball bat in mid air, which sent me flying out a several dozen yards. They never did find all of the pieces for my little head, but I was told it was a game-winning home run.
Telephone Number: I own a saxophone, it has a serial number, I don't know how to play it.
Mobile: Reduced mobility (condition: Fat)
Driver's License Number: My bus driver's license is 489-BIN
Current Residence (Complete in Full) ok
Address: I do not own a dress I am a man I have jean... wait I dress in beans. I am naked I cover my nether regions in wallpaper glue and beans.
Zip code: B34N5
Suburb / City if you squint your eyes suburb looks like rubarb lol
Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: NO DRESS how hard is it to understand
Zip code: america
Suburb / City The Big Bean (instead of the 'Big Apple')
Why are you applying? I am applying because I need more money to buy more beans to sell more beans, you can't make money, by which I mean Beans, if you don't spend money, by which I also mean beans. I hope this sends a message about me. I need to joing Fukumumumumu because only Fumumumu can offer me the means to an end, and that is, the means to institute mandatory bean consumption for all civilians. I want to end world hunger, and I want to do it through beans, solving two problems in one go: The energy problem. All this talk about renewable energies got me thinking, why frack the earth for natural gas when we're all sitting on top of our very own gas dispensers- our asses? By switching mankind's diet to a bean-based diet we will ensure we never run out of gas. Need to light your house? BRAAP. Need to power the car? BRAAAAP. Need to propel a payload into space? BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP. Make note of how I quantified the potency of each release by adding or subtracting A's from the word. The more A's a BRAP has, the more powerful it is, there's a whole mathematically accurate scale I am working on that will revolutionize not only the way we understand energy but also the way we face flatulence.
This is cutting edge stuff here, but I've merely scratched the surface, I've just given you a whiff.
If hired I will further expand on how mass agricultural and nutritional overhaul of Mankind can power us beyond the Milky Way and onto Another Way, a Way where Lactose Intolerant people can call home in this vast universe.
What is your background in the field you are applying for?
My background is beans, endless rows of beans. I choose this background for my desktop because it accentuates my eyes whenever it's really bright in the room and I can see my reflection on the screen despite it being at full brightness. I just like to see me, mirrored over those beans.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
No no no, I picked FUMUKU. There's half a million organizations out there, constantly banging on my door to get me to join them;
"Jilly, Jilly, please join the US Presidency, need your expansive Bean knowledge to save the middle east!" and
"Please oh God, please get up you just sat on my baby daughter!!" and
"What are you doing with your hand down your pants on this kindergarden? are you a parent?? that isn't your kid, that's a bag of beans!!"
But alas, they meant nothing to me, they weren't up to the challenge. Fumukkku? well, I have trouble even spelling it, now that's a challenge! 3 U's? what is this, a hawaian deity?? The name along is riddled with mystery and is nothing short of a grammatical olympian battle. FUKUKU, please pick me, as I have picked you, and God has picked me, too.
What will you offer FUMUKU?
Peas are just round green beans with no personality.
Mindblown huh? I'll give you a couple of hours to recuperate.
It's nuggets of spiritual knowledge like that, which I am willing to offer you, if you're wise enough to bless yourself with such a valuable asset like myself.