(Dec 22, 2017, 03:57 PM)Fly Wrote: (Dec 19, 2017, 02:15 AM)Doctor Internet Wrote: I feel as though people forgetting something, the suggestion wasn't just about 30 minute jail sentences. There was a bunch of other stuff in the suggestion too. I feel as though this has been blown way out of proportion. We're not just gonna go "oh yeah, increase max jail time to 30." and leave it at that.
Essentially that's what this has come to though. We're talking about a 30 minute exclusion of a player from the overworld area.
This exclusion means that the player can no longer partake in RP or any other enjoyable activity, plus of course the increased pure hate for the police force or presidency who might not always be acquainted with the city laws or basic practical enforcement knowledge "do/do-not" which you can only gain from experience on the server.
According to the server statistics, we already spend too much time in prison. A lot of player activity is lost already.
And the "don't do the crime then" argument is a terrible viewpoint, because aggroRP plays a big part in CityRP. More than half of the players who do not choose a government worker position, chooses an underground job - and this is without counting the huge amount of "Citizen" positions with job titles such as "Burglar" or "Cartel Member".
We don't want less AggroRP. We want more PassiveRP.
You do not automatically get the latter by eliminating the former, quite the opposite actually.
There already is an increased (or one that was already there) hatred for the government forces in general. Certain members here often like to take their out-of-the-game dislikes towards law enforcement and such like departments and implement it in-game. Completely fine as long as everything stays in-character and well roleplayed out, of course, but that usually doesn't happen.
Heck, last time I encountered it I was roleplaying as a paramedic who had a lot of resistance and aggression when I was trying to revive someone which, by the way, is completely realistic and can definitely happen during real world incidents. However, the hatred was already there before the 30 minutes got implemented.
30 minutes of jail time is definitely not going to increase it by
that much and if anything: it should
teach those who like to think they're doing underground criminal roleplay (while mowing down police force after police force) a good lesson about actually being an underground crook.
Also, keep in mind that a simple burglar and a ''organized crime member who decides to mow down a whole police force including a SWAT team'' are two different criminals and will be treated as such by those who have experiences treating people in a proper manner.
A burglar (if no assault leading to death(s), rape, attempted murder, etc. has been committed during) shouldn't be given a 30 minutes imprisonment sentence. However, if he DOES get one; take care of it in-character. Take it up to the arresting officer's supervisor. Is the supervisor uncooperative? Take it to his supervisor. Etc, etc.
If you shoot cops (or anyone, actually) in half with your assault rifles while ducking up and down from your homemade bunkerfortofdoom, and suddenly find yourself flanked by us because you weren't paying attention clicking the health kit 9000 times; don't start moaning if you'll be spending 30 minutes in a room where you won't be able to "
partake in any RP (not true, you can do roleplay inside of the prison)'' or "
any other enjoyable activity''.
Harshly said; too bad. If you wish to show off your one roleplay ability to only shoot, duck, shoot, press E on a bunch of contraband that you placed down and shoot, you shouldn't be disappointed when you're looking at four walls when that shitstorm of a ''roleplay'' comes to an end.