Name of Player: Puffitee
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:205720947
Server: [EU] LimeLight [EvoCity_v4b1] [Semi-Serious Roleplay]
Time: 24th of June 2017 around 00:00-00:30AM/0:00-0:30AM UTC+0
Accused party was seen in a foot pursuit with officer Roxas. Roxas later explained the reason for the pursuit in the Local OOC chat (obstruction of traffic/littering props on the road, jaywalking and upon approach, fleeing to evade, resisting arrest).
Accused party was then stopped under FearRP at AMPM, at which he seemed to comply. Though, soon after complying, accused party spawned props to block himself in and to stop us from arresting him.
During the propblock, we told the accused party to remove his props so they wouldn't hinder with the arrest but got a response in the form of the laughing animation and a bunch of babies being spawned. During this, I was in contact with @
Enzyme, who wasn't able to help us out at that moment. So, I told the accused party that I was about to make a Player Report on him if he wouldn't remove his props.
The accused party then deleted them, thanked me for not reporting him and said that because of the late time (0:00-0:30AM) he wasn't following the rules.
At first, I decided to stick to my word and not write out the Player Report. Though, scrolling through the forums, I found another Player Report on him from today (25th of June 2017) about him doing the same things with props again.
This shows the accused party did not learn from his last incident, and that he will continue to do so.
I am hoping that a PTE-blacklist and/or a suspension can be issued, which should teach him something as he knowingly broke the rules.
I therefore state the following rules as broken by the accused party, and thus the reason for this Player Report:
- Rule 2.1: Accused party was placed under FearRP multiple times and was ordered to remove the props so that we could approach him and apprehend him. He did not do this, but instead, used the laughing animation and ignored the commands.
- Rule 2.5: Accused party was FailRPing as a citizen. He was luring police officers into pursuits with him, only to propblock himself shut at the end.
- Rule 6.2: Accused party is shown to propblock himself into a cylinder with a metal roof on top of it.
- Rule 6.8: Accused party abused his access to props and the physgun to propblock himself in.
- Rule 6.12: Accused party spammed a bunch of baby props inside the propblocked structure.
Another rule would be that the accused party has placed multiple props on the road, froze them, and made them invisible. I did not gather any screenshots of this but other reporting parties/Player Reports do confirm that he has been doing this.