Jun 17, 2017, 02:15 PM
chat history:
oliver.burke: Bind "1" "say /advert Raid"
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oliver.burke is now Offline.
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oliver.burke is now Offline.
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oliver.burke is now Offline.
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oliver.burke is now Away.
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oliver.burke is now Offline.
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oliver.burke is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
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console history:
(Radio) Thex Gates: thenndie
(<3) (OOC) ✔️ ZooM: that was brutal
(Radio) Thex Gates: can i chane not my name to agent
(OOC) Woxy: he couldnt hit me at all, I was going left right left right with shit gun and
he ded
(OOC) [L²:RP] Vimpto: bad spelling mistake lol
You received $310 salary.
(Urgent) Edgar Milla: All units, I need backup at Nexus - Jails.
*** Edgar Milla radios in: All units, I need backup at Nexus - Jails.
*** Edgar Milla radios in: this prisoner is free
*** Edgar Milla radios in: nvm
[ERROR] gamemodes/cityrp_2_by_limelightgaming/entities/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:133: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. ManipulateBonePosition - [C]:-1
2. offsetBoltBone - gamemodes/cityrp_2_by_limelightgaming/entities/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:133
3. simulateRecoil - gamemodes/cityrp_2_by_limelightgaming/entities/weapons/cw_base/shared.lua:1138
4. unknown - gamemodes/cityrp_2_by_limelightgaming/entities/weapons/cw_base/shared.lua:1354
(Arrested) Ivan Kowalski: help
FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE prevented server running command: use
(Arrested) Ivan Kowalski: cant do that
That person isn't cuffed or tied up.
That person isn't cuffed or tied up.
(Local OOC) Cpt.Jack: cant do that in this state
(Arrested) Ivan Kowalski: i am free
FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE prevented server running command: use
(OOC) [L²:RP] Vimpto: my 1 key doesnt work for physgun or anything
'userconfig.cfg' not present; not executing.
Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
JOY_AXIS_X: mapped to Turn (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_Y: mapped to Look (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_Z: unmapped
JOY_AXIS_R: mapped to Forward (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_U: mapped to Side (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_V: unmapped
Advanced Joystick settings initialized
'userconfig.cfg' not present; not executing.
Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
JOY_AXIS_X: mapped to Turn (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_Y: mapped to Look (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_Z: unmapped
JOY_AXIS_R: mapped to Forward (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_U: mapped to Side (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_V: unmapped
Advanced Joystick settings initialized
(OOC) [L²:RP] Vimpto: nvm
(<3) (OOC) ✔️ ZooM: How did I resupply again?
(OOC) [L²:RP] Vimpto: /resupply at police vehicle
player\portal\Male_07_Medic.mdl/weapons\w_fists_t.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand"
player\portal\Male_07_Medic.mdl/weapons\w_fists_t.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand"
player\portal\Male_07_Medic.mdl/weapons\w_fists_t.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand"
player\portal\Male_07_Medic.mdl/weapons\w_fists_t.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand"
(<3) (OOC) ✔️ ZooM: It doesn't work for me
(Radio) Thex Gates: how u know my name rthats meta
(<3) (OOC) ✔️ ZooM: It says my dodger isn't a police vehicle
You received $234 salary.
*** Daniel Mcgill resupplies at the police vehicle's arms locker.
MDLCache: Ford_E-350_Ambulance.mdl uses a different model version to the engine (got 49, expected 48)
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_diamond_plate" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_chrome" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/ford_e-350_chrome" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_chrome_texture" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_chrome_texture_2" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_headlamps" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_orange_glass" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_red_glass" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/ford_e-350_license_plate" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_white_glass" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_glass" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_ford_logo" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheel999__spec_"!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheel999__spec_" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/_dashboard_and_steerwheelplastic_steer__spec_"!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/_dashboard_and_steerwheelplastic_steer__spec_" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheeltempcontrol__spec_"!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheeltempcontrol__spec_" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheeldash__spec_"!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheeldash__spec_" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheelcontrols__spec_"!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheelcontrols__spec_" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheelblackwood__spec_"!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheelblackwood__spec_" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheelgear__spec_"!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheelgear__spec_" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheelaudiosystem__spec_"!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheelaudiosystem__spec_" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheelpedal__spec_"!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheelpedal__spec_" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheelplastic_int__spec_"!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__dashboard_and_steerwheelplastic_int__spec_" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__seatseat_fabric2__spec_"!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__seatseat_fabric2__spec_" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__seatseat_fabric1__spec_"!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350__seatseat_fabric1__spec_" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_xray_panel" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/ford_e-350_aluminium" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_xray_monitor" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_heartrate_panel" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/material__2239982" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_heartrate_panel_2" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_bigcabinet_bottle1" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_bigcabinet_box2" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_bigcabinet_box1" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_bigcabinet_bottle_glass" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/perrynsvehicles/ford_e-350_ambulance/e-350_tire" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
(OOC) Thex: zoom thats fuckign meta
(PM) Woxy: why did you come to motel