Is the
Alt-Right even a thing?
I've only encountered views on the movement through media coverage and leaked footage from inside their conventions, however I don't think that I would call that being fully informed on their agenda and wouldn't just assume anything negative about them based on the fact that it's revolving around bringing back a little bit of white identity in a world that has suppressed white nationality and pride because it's seen as
racist because of the ever expanding multi-cultural identity that we see in most Westernized countries. I don't see anyone bashing Japan for protecting their Japanese identity by having extreme immigration regulations that basically prevent other cultures from coming in and taking away from their
I myself align to the further right side fiscally and socially, though we all have our discrepancies here and there. I do agree with white nationality and white pride and I myself have been discomforted by this rising theme in ethnic groups and confused feminists that involves shaming a man for being a man and worst of all being a heterosexual CIS male. I remember matching with a darker skinned girl on Tinder and she was extremely pretty, seemed to have a great personality and there seemed to be extreme potential. However just moments into the conversation she shot me with the question on whether or not I knew my privilege that I supposedly had. This was a question that was quite long, maybe 100 words and at the end she attached a link to a BuzzFeed
quiz that would assess my different privileges and give me a score based on that. She seemed to take this quiz quite seriously and said she was quite surprised at her own privilege, however I myself found the quiz to be quite laughable. I guess this is what society has come to. Labeling me as being privileged because I'm
heterosexual and
worst of all I've
never been raped. I myself align to the right because I don't believe that privilege is associated with race and certainly not with things that we're unable to change. I believe privilege is mostly based on your
social status and
character / behavioral attributes.
I agree with the right when it comes to freedom of speech and hate speech. I don't believe there is a need for censorship and protecting people's feelings. I don't believe that a word should be off-limits to someone because of their skin color. With that girl on Tinder, this word happened to be used when I was describing my daily events which included going down to the pool to get tan and hopefully get dark before summer time came around. Apparently I triggered her with my usage of
dark where after I was informed that the word cannot be used by me because I am white. I provided the definition of dark which showed that is also means to be tan but I was quickly shut down because it didn't matter what the definition was... it wasn't okay to use! I will continue to use the hard F word to describe someone I dislike and I won't feel guilty because the word has been desensitized through social media, gaming,
etcetera and rightfully so. I believe we need to adapt to a society where we aren't hurt by words and not one that decides to create safe-spaces for those who don't want to hear them. If I'm listening to a song that includes the hard N word, I shouldn't have to feel ashamed or criticized for singing along
simply because I'm white and that's supposedly an off-limits word. I don't believe allowing language has led to the creation of the Alt-Right, it has more to do with the censorship of language.
I'm white but being partially Hispanic I identify with that part of me and my lineage from both sides of my family. One side being immigrants from Mexico and Spain and the other being a long line of Freemason's that came from European territories including Denmark. Every country has begun with some form of immigration and more often with violence. The United States was founded by Western European settlers and involves taking some territory from Native Americans however most of the territories were purchased or taken from other developed nations in control of the land, such as France, Britain and Spain. The Native American thing is sad but I completely disagree with the stance that we owe them penance for conquering the land. That's how nations are formed and we're not going to be paying restitution for it. This country would be nothing without Western culture bringing order to it. The right also puts down this idea that white people owe something to African-Americans because of slavery. Slavery wasn't an issue here, it was an issue everywhere. Every country has had some form of slavery and some do to this day in some way, shape or form.
There are certainly centrist and left stances that I support and I believe most people who align towards the right hold the same opinion of current social issues. Homosexuality, fine. Gay Marriage, all good. You can't tell someone who to love. I think that's not an issue in this country anymore, but you'll see people being slaughtered and killed for their sexuality abroad and that's where the cries for change should be directed. I do have an issue with this idea that there are more than a few genders. I don't support the idea that you're something other than the biological genders. You're either a man or a woman. If you're a woman trapped in a man's body, don't put on a skirt and heels and walk down the street expecting people to treat you the same way they're going to treat a woman. It seems like transgender issues have been the highlight of the Obama administration and I feel like nothing proper has been done for the middle-class and actual social issues other than the whole thing about creating bathrooms for other genders which I think is utter nonsense. If a business feels like creating a unisex restroom, so be it. You can't force a business to make accommodations for this new category nor should they be forced to make accommodations for religious practices. You shouldn't be exempt from dress-code requirements just because your religion calls for you to wear a certain piece of clothing. Now I'm not saying I am against Transgenders, it's simply that society as a whole is going to take a while to adapt to it. Some people you couldn't tell were trans however there are those who CLEARLY didn't make an effort to change their appearance. I'm sorry but I don't think most people are willing to accept that. What's the solution? Maybe we can figure out how to identify one's gender at an early age and begin the transition early on and offer help to those who may live in an unsafe home environment where they don't feel safe discussing this with their parents. Not something the government would be backing but private organizations and charities directed towards this issue. Sexuality is something fluid and I can support that but I think gender needs to be something permanent and assigned early on in life. With gender comes gender roles in society and we can't live in fear of mis-gendering someone. Now by this I don't mean woman in the kitchen cooking me a grilled cheese sandwich, because by all means that'd be sexist as f*ck to insinuate that a woman should be in the kitchen. I mean that when someone is walking down the street you should simply be able to assert whether they are male or female. The lines become too blurred when you can't answer that one simple question. I believe in gender equality and believe we're already there in most fields as the gender wage-gap
myth has already been disproved by economists who showed that the wage-gap statistics are because the studies take all fields into account and don't take many of the most important factors into account. Watch this video
HERE to inform yourself. I'd also encourage wage-gap believers to do some research instead of just listening to the feminist talking points.
The United States is ahead of most nations when it comes to civil rights and freedoms and yet we still find ways to make claims of oppression and injustices.
TLDR; We have
Black Lives Matters out and about bashing the white, I'd say that the Alt-Right is simply the embodiment of a
White Pride Matters group.