Nov 16, 2016, 03:46 AM
From what I can tell, Qannter was roleplaying as a public official, detaining and arresting a citizen for excessive noise and public disturbance. This is not against the rules at all. There are no rules for False Arrest as these cases can and should be handled in character as I stated above. As such, I am going to deny this PR Report.
ICEKILLER_99 - From what I have gathered is that you were mic-spamming in public as a Citizen. This is a violation of Rule 19.3 - Do not mic-spam. If you wish to play music through your microphone, have an appropriate building set up and make sure that the volume is not loud.
It seems that the volume was in fact very loud, resulting in your arrest by the Sergeant. As soon as you were tazed, you broke the roleplay with Local OOC chatter asking him what he was doing over and over. Then when arrested begun OOC and PMing Qannter.
Right after arrest, you had changed your job to Psychopath, equipped yourself in a mask and sniped Qannter without any attempt to communicate with him In Character. You decided to Revenge Kill.
This is not acceptable. You should have attempted to reason with the officer, try and schedule a meeting, hire a lawyer, everything you can to resolve the arrest peacefully. And if that didn't work and you felt that your life way of life was at risk... then, and only then would a violent solution be acceptable.
To kill an Officer of the Law over a noise violation is very extreme.
Now, you have 4 bans, 8 Blacklists and 1 warning. Random Deathmatch, Teamkilling, Car Deathmatch, executing suspects as a SWAT, RDM, Ragequitting, telling other to kill themselves, etc... it seems clear to me that you have an issue with violence, you thrive on it and tend to act first with death than roleplay.
As such, I am going to issue a 1 week Ban and a 4 hour Blacklist on weapons for this. With nearly 1000 hours, you should know much better than this.