Out of Character Information
Steam Name: Soviethooves
Steam ID:
Your Age: 17
Hours on server: 840+
RP Events you have been in: I play on an RP server, so as many 840+ hours can handle.
Reps Issued: 10+
Ban History on Limelight: First denied PR in Limelight history.
Blacklist History on Limelight: N/A
Warning history on Limelight: N/A
In Character Information:
(Be as creative as you can)
Division you are applying for: Security Division
Full Name: Maximilian Robert Cunningham Cairns I
All Nicknames: Soviet, Max, Granny (Old one)
Age: 43
Date of Application: September 29th, 2016
Date of birth: 04/30/1973
Gender: M | Sexually identify as M |
Place of Birth: Madisonville, La.
Telephone Number: 985-211-0539
Mobile: See Telephone Number
Driver's License Number: 293100538
Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 435 Back Street, Apt. 5D
Zip code: 54467
Suburb / City: Evocity, MA
Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: N/A
Zip code: N/A
Suburb / City: N/A
Why are you applying?
Since my arrival in Evocity, I have noticed this industrial powerhouse doing most of what I thought the local government would be assisting in. Things such as cleanup projects, assisting police, setting up secure yet kind vehicle checkpoints, the list goes on. I have been in law enforcement my whole career, jumping from branches to precincts, yet I see the same thing, a lack of care for the citizens. As I have seen so far, the Security Division has offered a calm and helpful attitude to local populace, and I wish to be a part of that.
What is your background in the field you are applying for?
My background in the private sector of security is ill I'm afraid, but I do have my share in law enforcement training. I have a military background of being a National Guard Military Police Officer that started my career in law enforcement. After I had finished my time after Hurricane Katrina, I decided to do more with the New Orleans Police Department by becoming a part of their Emergency Response Task Force for the French Quarter.
As strange as it sounds, I did a lot of work in that small area from traffic stops, to a few rare occasions of firefights. After I hit my 35th birthday I completed my time with the NO:PD, ending from my last assigned position as a Special Weapons and Tactics Operations Officer and became the Director of the local Department of Homeland Security branch in Evocity.
I became acquainted assisting the local police department in firefights due to the high rise in crime they were facing, but sadly the Department of Homeland Security had become a Private Military Company, or at least I felt. With no real attempts in the private sector and seeing how much the government seemed to care about one of their main law enforcement departments, I decided I could do more good as a security officer in FUMUKU International.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
I have experience with firearm discipline, crows control, and how to keep a cool head compared to others. I can also offer my tactical training if need be and my integrity for professionalism.
What will you offer FUMUKU?
I offer the something others may not. I offer my humanity to assist in not only security matters, but also to talk to people instead of yell and wave a weapon at them.
Character Bio:
I was raised in Madisonville, Louisiana and had a fairly normal life. Parents were caring and helped get to my goal of losing weight to join the National Guard, which led to me getting a free scholarship to an "ok" university. My grades were alright and I studied Criminal Justice while attending the school's Marine Corps ROTC due to my High School background of Marine Corps JROTC. Once I left college, I returned to active duty for the National Guard, and being tight on money sometimes, I was forced to, well, live out of the barracks. After a few years Katrina hit and I was deployed for crowd control.
Seeing the NO:PD attempt to control that mess was awful, so I joined as soon as I could. I got out of the National Guard and became part of the ERTF for the French Quarter. Got experience, but nothing too exciting. A few shots fired here and there, but mostly quiet. I later ended that employment as a SWAT Operations Officer and was requested to become a Director for the Anti-Terrorism and Security for the United States Department of Homeland Security.
Well, that didn't end well as the leadership was piss poor and ended up turning themselves into a PMC group like the ones that congest Evocity today, so here I am. Unemployed, Memorabilia on the walls of my apartment, and currently unemployed. I'm ready to give the private sector a shot and see what I can help the company out with, because from what I've seen, FUMUKU is doing more for the city than even the local government.