(Nov 6, 2016, 02:01 AM)LvPlayZ Wrote: Do you know what are the Baltic States??? Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. All of them are in NATO and who runs NATO? USA and who is Donald Trump friends with? Russia/Putin and what is the Baltic States biggest threat??? Russia. If Donald Trump becomes president then the Baltic States are FUCKED. If Russia starts an attack there are no units from USA coming too help.
what the Baltic States are?* to*
That is why I think Donald Trump is a sole less motherfucker.
I know you might be thinking "I don't live there not my problem" but for real are you really ok with it if there is a war going on in the world??? How did you fell when Russia attacked Ukraine???
Uh, NATO is more than just the U.S. There are 28 members.
EDIT: And oh, the United States does not 'run' NATO. No one 'runs' it. All decisions in NATO must be approved by ALL member states, such as allowing new nations to join, therefore it isn't 'run' by any one country.