Quote:You were completely unrelated to the case. Whether you believe that morally that you should be allowed to post your views on every appeal, that doesn't mean your input is required, necessary or allowed. The rule is in-place to stop exactly what you did, people who aren't related to the situation posting their "insights", which have done repeatedly on other threads.
Relationship to the case isn't
necessarily a requirement according to the forum rules as it says you might just simply have an important relation to the case and - in my opinion - providing a rule that you directly went against is of significant importance.
Quote:Those staff members also posted on the appeal, stating their support for the suspension remaining in place.
This isn't necessarily true - considering roxas had mentioned that from what he had seen being in-game the conversation "
was rather harmless and looked more like banter and memeing to me. Hence why I did not intervene."
Additionally, even if he was alt-tabbed, there was still another moderator on that was participating in the conversation (although in the evidence provided his chat in OOC was redacted/blurred)
Quote:A rule-breach is a rule-breach, no matter how it's found out
Toxicity in OOC, unfortunately, is not a listed rule. The suspension appeal failed to note any significant evidence of him actually insulting Wesley.
You're a living and walking hypocrite considering you liked and supported the following suggestion <
PR Requirement> which would require individuals to not collect evidence and post a player report after the fact but instead contact them directly to tell them to stop or provide why they might form a report. Yet here you are doing this exact thing that you, I assume, would be against - and what I have the biggest issue with is that this is simply because it involved your
Quote:I was alerted to the situation which occured, and read logs to see what had happened / had been said. After reading it, I decided that a suspension was appropriate. We can use logs to check for breaches whilst we're not on server, hence why players have had punishments applied from instances other than ingame or via PRs. I don't see your point here?
You're not wrong - however - you fail to see the issue with this case. The facts are the following:
1) There were two online staff members on at the time and engaged in chat.
2) Wesley was actively engaged in the chat and posting comments that, in return, further provoked Murdoch.
3) Staff members were aware of what was going on and saw nothing wrong with it and this is evidenced by no warning, blacklist, or attempt to direct the conversation differently.
4) Murdoch never directly insulted Wesley and evidence provided proves that.
I'll go ahead and list your supporting
evidence which Wesley provided that shows the entirety of the situation:
Figure 1: "Why are you saying dindunuffin when you helped to get my memes banned from the forums"
Q: Where's the insulting/toxicity (?) He's merely stating what is, in his opinion, a fact and that was Wesley's involvement in that situation.
Figure 2: "It's because he knows I can't say anything without getting blacklisted again"
Q: Where's the insulting/toxicity (?) He's merely stating the fact that if he did argue/insult him in OOC he would likely face an OOC blacklist.
Figure 3: If it ever gets unbanned I'll make sure to search every post that you insulted someone and compile into a montage with ali-a intro music"
Q: Where's the threatening that you mentioned (?) He's merely stating the fact that Wesley is, in his mind, hypocritical and is saying that if his forum account ever is unbanned he will surely attempt to prove that to be true. It's not threatening, insulting or toxic.
Wesley's Comment Before: Oof how's your forum account doing? (Baiting)
Wesley's Response: Well... IF (Toxic, Provocative, Baiting)
Figure 4: "It's been 9 months side we made a video, they only started after I got banned"
Q: How is this relevant to anything (?)
Wesley's Response: I know where you been all this time.. w a i t (Provoking, Referencing his ban)
Figure 5: "I cried tears of happiness that day your boyfriend got demoted"
Q: How is this insulting (?) not directed towards Wesley himself nor did it mention a name. This is certainly a factor in the bias that I believe is present in this case because the comments were directed towards a close friend / acquaintance.
Figure 6: "How is poomuku doing now that blackdick cant place his megadupes, or did he give them all to the dev-slave"
Q: This is the only possible case of player insulting, however, it was not directed towards Wesley himself and instead was directed towards BlackDog. (Dev-Slave isn't an insult, it's merely a comparison to someone that is doing work for little pay and isn't being appreciated)
While he may have insulted someone else it does not necessarily mean it is grounds for a punishment considering the rules prevent you from placing a report on someone for OOC insulting that isn't directed towards you yourself. If he posted a formal player report in the PR section of the Courthouse - this rule would a factor and by indirectly contacting you he is, in essence, bypassing the requirements that all players have.
Additionally, to my knowledge, there were staff members online at the time and again not attempting to stop the conversation and neither was Wesley. Even if he wasn't directly insulting him he could have, instead of further baiting the conversation, go and tell him to stop because it was bothering him.
If you look at the sequence of events it is clear that Wesley was engaged in a behavior that did not attempt to resolve the situation nor stop it but rather was one that was done in attempted to further bait the conversation to go somewhere it did not need to go.
The facts have been listed and that is that it wasn't grounds for punishment both because two staff members online at the time found no issue with it and the event itself was never reported in game by Wesley nor did he make any effort to stop it or indication that it was something he was uncomfortable with.
If he was to not use a player-staff relationship to go directly to you and post an informal report he would have to adhere to the same rules that every player has to in the Courthouse. A rule that would disallow him from posting a player report that involved OOC insulting not directed towards him.
Instead he chose you because, to my best assumption, is because you are close acquaintances and the player-staff relationship is strong in your entire group.