Black Market Roleplay
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Getting Recognised
Section 3: Business
Section 4: Outcome
Section 5: Post script & Credits
Now, first of all. Welcome to my Black market Thread. In here I will be covering 3 different sections to increase and enhance role play in the Blackmarket. No requirements are needed.
Getting Recognised
Getting recognised in Black Market role play is probably the most difficult thing to do. But that is why I'm here to guide you.
1. Advertising: You can advertise many ways. But it depends if you're doing it Underground or Passively.
1.a: For the Underground option, I tend not to use /advert or any other command because, with past experience, you tend to get found out by the PD. /note on the other hand has a massive advantage.
1.b: For the Passive option, I would use /advert, /ladvert and /note to advertise the Business. I would, rarely, use the Sign option but that is your choice.
2: Building: With building any Underground Roleplay, such as a Hideout or Blackmarket, I like to use a lot of props. I would also bring in the Environment by placing trees around the area and plot. This would draw (Some) attention and you will most likely get recognised.
The concept of Business of an Underground Roleplay is very peculiar. You want to elaborate on what you do. Such as:
*A man walks through the forest and ends up at The Shack, he follows the instructions given and knocks on the door 3 times*
*The door swings open and a voice is heard saying "Come in"*
*The man continues to walk in and sits on the chair, the voice says "What would you like? Birdseed?©"*
*The man says "Yes" and then a Figure appears from the shadows with a Plastic wallet, "Pay up" says the voice"*
*The man places the money on the wooden table and takes the wallet then proceeds to leave*
©: Codeword. You do not want random people to know what you're selling, and codewords to throw them off.
The outcome of an Underground roleplay can be explained in 2 different ways.
1 Success: The success route. This route is taken when you are very sneaky in your business and advertising that the Police/Government are unaware that you are doing this. You are off the hook.
2 Jail: This is the "Bad" Route. You were too "Loud" in your business. You maybe didn't use as much of Codewords. Or maybe you elaborated too much in your Notes of what you're selling.
Post-Script & Credits
I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my thread. If there are any mistakes or things that you think should be added on, please state below.
Thanks to @"Sours"