(Sep 26, 2016, 12:37 AM)Soviethooves Wrote: You intentionally used your microphone to create a high pitched scream of sorts.
I wouldn't call it fitting to let you get away with it, especially since you have knowledge of our rules and should know better than to abuse your microphone like that. Yes, it fits your RP, however it doesn't have to be a mic-breaking sound that isn't even audible.
You could've played it at a lower tone or just typed out your response, but there was no need for the audio level and use of it.
It was not supposed to be high pitch, just a general scream. It wasn't even that high pitch for a scream. Even then, that is not spam. If I did it for the entire duration of the video, then sure blacklist me. It was 1 second bursts.
Calling it mic-breaking and inaudible is just hyperbole. What do you even mean by audible? Screams are screams, since you correctly identified it as a scream it had to be audible. I wasn't saying anything so there was nothing to discern from it.
The original reason I ordered the headset I have now is because my previous one used a 3.5mm jack, and the audio driver I have for my jack was not designed for Windows 10. You can read lot's of people trying to figure out here:
Instead of doing some driver hack, I just decided to order a new headset.
I've been using the quieter one for a while and I'm used to having to talk louder because of it.
I am still not quite used to it, so any loud volume wasn't intentional or malicious.
And finally, I don't know what you mean by playing at a lower tone, it was not an audio file. I was literally sucking air in and it created a louder response than I intended. I mentioned that in my previous post, but something I forgot to mention in it is my previous microphone had better sound dampening (I think that's the proper term) so it would actually make a quieter scream when I suck in air like that, because the sound would be coming from an angle that the mic would reduce the volume. In the moment, I wasn't thinking about having a new mic, and thus it was a little too loud.
You can see the slit on the far side (away from the mouth) on the headset, that is what would previously make it quieter.
I do have knowledge of the rules. The only rule about microphones is the one that says "Do not mic-spam." I don't consider two short bursts mic-spam in any way, if I did I would not have done it.
Finally, just to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I haven't really been using this headset (on paper, it looks like I've had it for a good month), here is my bank account history:
As you can see I have been traveling a lot (sunpass is our automatic toll payment system). When traveling I use my laptop and don't bring the headset (I have a shitty $20 headset I use if I need it for travel). So, between school and not being at it, I haven't had much use of the headset.