Jul 1, 2020, 01:59 PM
![[Image: announcement.png]](https://cdn.limelightgaming.net/event/announcement.png)
Hello community,
It's clear that the community needs to see a level of change here. The map has been causing us to crash very often, losing us our playercount and therefore the interest of the community. We've been having a few good days as of recent, but when the server crashes, it's lost. We've waited this long because there has been updates to GMOD servers that we've kept our eye on, that we hoped would have an impact on the crashing but it doesn't seem to have any impact at all.
But Night, if this is an issue with the map, why aren't other servers having it too?
The issue with the map has been identified to only happen on servers running our particular operating system, Linux. The map creator is aware and is working with a few individuals to fix it - you can see the thread where other people are complaining about this issue
So what happens now?
We need an alternative map. It simply isn't viable to keep us on Southside when it's presenting this many issues. Normally, we'd use the in-game community input panel to allow people to choose a map, but given the issue we're presented with, this wouldn't be fair of us to host it through the panel. As a result of this, and to allow for faster collection of votes, we'll be voting through this forum thread. I've included a couple of maps that we've got rigged already which haven't caused issues for us in the past, aren't too large and some of which I've seen talked about to allow for a fast transition when we've concluded the voting. It'll last for a week and then we'll change away.
It's also clear that there's other issues people are concerned about as well as the map. One of those being content and the rules.
Content is a relatively hard thing for us to come up with. We've got a team of developers sure, but not all of them specialise in Lua - the language which is used to create addons for the game. Even if they do, a lot of our developers have themselves busy with personal matters and all sorts, making it very difficult to keep track on what's going on and to allocate time to the projects that we have listed on our roadmap. It's for this reason that I'd like to remind everyone, we do have our contributor applications open. If you genuinely believe you can use your skills in modelling/coding/etc to help us, then please by all means, shoot in an application and we'd love to hear from you.
In regards to the rules situation, we've recently implemented fairly vast changes to the rules which Faustie summed up nicely here. This was on top of staff also agreeing to be more lenient when it comes to enforcing the rules, particularly so whilst both staff and players adjust to the updated ruleset. Other changes to the rules have also been proposed which will require followup at a later date.
I'm leaving this post open so if you believe we've missed something obvious here, then of course feel free to provide it. I apologise if I've not picked up on something obvious, as I'm still partially in and out of personal leave, but please be constructive in what you provide so that we're able to take it onboard.