A perfectly balanced map that presents suitable RP-Zones for nearly all types of role-play // it's a hard pill to swallow for those that simply enjoy cop-baiting and endless high-speed pursuits.
Multiple Industrial Zones (Inner City, Outer City, MTL):
This may seem unimportant but it is a significant feature of this map. Industrial spaces are used both for passive and aggressive role-plays, serving as points of interest for a number of different ClanRP's along with criminal activities that may include contraband // offering a varying number of options and also in varied locations inside and outside of the city limits allows more availability and less predictability in its uses. Rockford, for example, had one industrial area that was a few seconds away from the Police Department, which made it nearly impossible to conduct an illegal operation within as the buildings were flanked by sidewalks that police could easily patrol. V5P offers properties that have set-backs and are centered on private properties that do not allow for the typical, "I heard contraband," reason for searching a property & may actually require police to do investigate work beyond that.
Public Transportation:
Access to public transportation is available both in the city and outer-city areas - servicing one of the [Industrial Zones & Supermarket] along with the [Suburb & MTL] // This is a huge component that is overlooked, but I believe is crucial in a role-play game-mode that shouldn't be prioritizing the driving aspect and instead prioritizing player-interactions that happen on smaller scales. There are a # of role-plays that can develop from the existence of this; public transportation agencies that service and improve access to these services (connections with bus routes, food and beverage), varied criminal role-plays and it even opens the door for those that wish to commute to their place of employment in the city.
Abundant housing options that exceed anything available on TrueNorth or Rockford // apartments, lofts, homes and live-work spaces are all available - concentration in the inner-city limits but residential options available in the suburbs, farmlands and near the lake. Street parking is available along with sufficient parking available through inner-city lots.
V5P is a ready-to-go map // already can envision a # of RP’s occurring in the different spaces on this map. All it takes is a little imagination, but in my opinion, far less work needs to go into making the spaces look ‘good’ to fit different RP-purposes;
Image 01
Image 02
![[Image: 9BAB7D5BEDFDF84210F4CCEB2539FF3747E53067]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/934938639429752473/9BAB7D5BEDFDF84210F4CCEB2539FF3747E53067/)
![[Image: BC1F94AC0D379375219B57ED4C25F45272928748]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/934938639429754474/BC1F94AC0D379375219B57ED4C25F45272928748/)
![[Image: DD6EE28096D553AD5A060D3D99F26C863E884D12]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/934938639429754394/DD6EE28096D553AD5A060D3D99F26C863E884D12/)
All-in-all, I think LL needs to focus on the
aesthetic of the map and not the circulation of how someone might be able to drive around in a police chase for 15 minutes // I think player-interaction is far greater on V5P and it allows a majority of the RP to be located in the inner-city area while allowing plenty of options beyond. If you happen to lead police out of the town, maybe do something other than an attempt to flee purely by speed? Park in the cornfields? Ditch the car? Run on foot into the subway tunnels? The possibilities are endless.
I just think we need to go back to bringing back that <hard to describe> feeling - I'd sum it up as that quaint feeling the old-time RP'er get when you walk into Tides Hotel to a well-decorated building with the faint sound of a piano playing in the background. There didn't even need to be an RP going on inside to get the sensation of somehow being in a space that
encouraged role-play.