(Jan 11, 2019, 10:06 AM)Welker Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 11, 2019, 09:58 AM)Markus Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2019, 10:52 PM)LiVHDX Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not going to argue and this is my last post. But you said "I said v5p is overused because it has been around for over 3 years and not because of the serverlist. I am comparing the length of time they've been played on for, not the current number of servers that are using it currently."
You're completely contradicting yourself here, you said before that it had been used for too long, but the definitions above show that it means it's used too often. That is all I was saying.
It has been used too frequently in the past couple of years is what I'm getting at.
I also ain't tryna argue.
It's all in good faith.
At the end of the day we're all just nerds.
Evo maps are "overused" because they're tried and tested as being excellent roleplay maps. V5P isn't a perfect Evo map to be sure, but from the options it's the only reasonable one available. V5P is refined over many versions, can't say the same about True North.
New =/= good and this is evident within the True North map and from Rockford in the past.
"I didn't like True North so that proves that new =/= good"
Good is subjective. Don't act like your opinion is law. Imo True North was really good. Same with rockford. Did it have problems? Yes. So does evo
The difference is that evo is years old and still has problems that have been there for years. Including some annyoing bugs, weird Lightning and shit design in some areas. These problems wont be fixed. YOu act as if V5P is this refined map with no problems. Yet there are bugs seen on many places. Alot of complaints about roads just being shit. And even traffic lights not being very well visible. Sounds refined.
Whereas True North is a new map with a developer actively trying to fix bugs and design by working with the people playing the map and actively listening to them. Making sure the map is as good as it can be. And removing bugs that are found by the community.
I'd rather wait a bit and take a map like True North which will feel fresh and most likely will be less buggy due to it's active development than play an old, bugged map with questionable design just because "It proved to be excellent roleplay maps" back when this was practically the only main RP map that everyone used
We have more choice now. Just because it was proven in the past doesn't mean we should automatically consider it as good. Cause quite frankly, the design standard on evo isn't that outstanding now is it. It's the same map copied onto eavhother each time to make it bigger. Ending up with just a masdive linear mess where areas feel more secluden than TN imo.
So in this case I'd say FOR ME PERSONALLY new = better. As it's a map actually actively being fixed. A map hardly a month old with a few bugs I can understand. A map years old with multiple version of which each has their own bugs and questionable design, not so much.
Anyways OT:
Traffic Light issue that someone posted before was also noticed by myself. Real annoying.
Asfar as I know there is No PD. Which is just a shame. I like doing PD RP but I remember from Evo that the Jails aren't suitable for the Booking RPs / Questioning for the most part. V5Ps Jails are also just a pain in the ass imo.
The no PD also means armories are just in a weird spot. Have to take a ladder up the elevatorshaft to equip... Right.
Alot of roads are just horrible to drive on. Bumpy as hell. That hill of doom isn't as bad as expected but it's still just a pain in the ass.
As mentioned before. Performance is just bad for me. Constant stuttering and freezing, it improves during play session as said by Night. But it's still very annoying.
The Linear feel of the map feels boring after being on such an open explorable map as TN. Sections seem really closed off and there is just no meshing of areas. Its all sectioned off and themed. Go through a tunnel and yer in a new city.
All in all. Outdated map that won't recieve fixing. Playtime isn't very enjoyable due to bugginess, design problems and performance. Cop RP gets limited and I feel like Evo in structure allows less RP than the other options.