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(Oct 4, 2017, 09:06 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]When a Merceds 6x6 does not fit into CityRP but apparently a dune buggy does fml.

Boycott Dune Buggy
Reminds me of battlefield 2, cruising around in one of these bad boys. Not sure if it's the best fit, but time will tell.
WHAT makes me smile is that everyone is being negative and referring LimeLight to FearlessRP, I’m how REPs will be awarded. Roxas has said he won’t be handing out REPs more often, however you need to realise this is a DIFFERENT Teacher team. Different people. Sure we have some people on the team that we’re on the FearlessRP Teacher team prior split, like evil, vol, I think Octagon etc. And even they didn’t have access to at the time, they got access after the split.

A different Teacher team can make all sorts of wonders compared to a different one.
Seeing these beautiful Teacher man people work together, made us trust them with the REP responsibility so players who do good roleplay won't get lost while a staff member is busy. We have multiple ways of tracking as well a guideline on how it should all work but I do trust the team. They value the server and have shown that more than once, this team is not the team that people mention. This team actually works as one and has shown nothing but kindness towards players, and have valued roleplays, aimed to help people improve it. I have no doubt they will do great.
My main problem is that we just did two things.

1. Made something lose value as it's now easier to get a REP.

2. Gave Teachers more power. These are players that are here to answer questions and be an example of a good RPer. I don't understand why that job description involves handing one of the most rare items to players. It's just gonna bring the suckups to the Teachers. 

I still don't agree with having a Teacher team at all tbh as it splits the community up. Why can't we give a special tag to players that we witness as knowledgeable, good players, that have been with LL for awhile and just leave it at that? No rewards or special tools, but just a recognition?
(Oct 5, 2017, 05:26 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]It's just gonna bring the suckups to the Teachers.

Teachers have no way of hiding themselves.

Imagine the façade that some players put on currently when there's an admin online. It's just downright irritating.

Now imagine that the increased magnitude of that façade when there's a teacher, who can't phase, standing right next to them who can give REPs. *shudder*
Basically the situation:

"Oh I see an admin on the server, let me suck up to him so he can give me REPS."
*Teachers can give REPS*

"Screw the admins, I will add as many teachers as possible and inflate their ego for REPS"

(Oct 5, 2017, 07:11 PM)Emc2 Wrote: [ -> ]Basically the situation:

"Oh I see an admin on the server, let me suck up to him so he can give me REPS."
*Teachers can give REPS*

"Screw the admins, I will add as many teachers as possible and inflate their ego for REPS"


Worst part is, same thing happened on FL. We aren't FL, but we're from them and grew from them after we split. We still share similarities. Same Teacher Team or not, giving them the power to hand these out is going to inflate their EGO. Something they won't be conscious of until they're approached.

Which, that makes me wonder. If we trust the Teacher Team so much, why did y'all have to get a script to record when they give them out and why? Doesn't seems like y'all REALLY trust them.
(Oct 5, 2017, 08:07 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct 5, 2017, 07:11 PM)Emc2 Wrote: [ -> ]Basically the situation:

"Oh I see an admin on the server, let me suck up to him so he can give me REPS."
*Teachers can give REPS*

"Screw the admins, I will add as many teachers as possible and inflate their ego for REPS"


Worst part is, same thing happened on FL. We aren't FL, but we're from them and grew from them after we split. We still share similarities. Same Teacher Team or not, giving them the power to hand these out is going to inflate their EGO. Something they won't be conscious of until they're approached.

Which, that makes me wonder. If we trust the Teacher Team so much, why did y'all have to get a script to record when they give them out and why? Doesn't seems like y'all REALLY trust them.

Whether they trust them or not. this is just gonna add to the divide of players... now more people are gonna think they are special snowflakes.
(Oct 5, 2017, 08:07 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct 5, 2017, 07:11 PM)Emc2 Wrote: [ -> ]snip

Worst part is, same thing happened on FL. We aren't FL, but we're from them and grew from them after we split. We still share similarities. Same Teacher Team or not, giving them the power to hand these out is going to inflate their EGO. Something they won't be conscious of until they're approached.

Which, that makes me wonder. If we trust the Teacher Team so much, why did y'all have to get a script to record when they give them out and why? Doesn't seems like y'all REALLY trust them.
If I recall it goes onto an SQL Database. If, for example, a new Teacher came to the team, he might just hand them out to his friends and that was his only goal to become a Teacher for that reason.

I know full well that this community has many back-end resources at hand - Its literally for security.


I don't understand why people won't give this a chance. I personally think it might work, sure it might 'devalue' the REP, but even so it is still shows recognition. Keep it this way; a player might do an absolutely amazing roleplay, but no staff are on. This could happen multiple times and the user doesn't get any recognition for a stunning roleplay. I think the solution they came up with will work.
(Oct 5, 2017, 08:13 PM)Zambie ^‿^ Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct 5, 2017, 08:07 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct 5, 2017, 07:11 PM)Emc2 Wrote: [ -> ]snip

Worst part is, same thing happened on FL. We aren't FL, but we're from them and grew from them after we split. We still share similarities. Same Teacher Team or not, giving them the power to hand these out is going to inflate their EGO. Something they won't be conscious of until they're approached.

Which, that makes me wonder. If we trust the Teacher Team so much, why did y'all have to get a script to record when they give them out and why? Doesn't seems like y'all REALLY trust them.
If I recall it goes onto an SQL Database. If, for example, a new Teacher came to the team, he might just hand them out to his friends and that was his only goal to become a Teacher for that reason.

I know full well that this community has many back-end resources at hand - Its literally for security.

Glad they trust the Teacher Team.
(Oct 5, 2017, 08:14 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct 5, 2017, 08:13 PM)Zambie ^‿^ Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct 5, 2017, 08:07 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct 5, 2017, 07:11 PM)Emc2 Wrote: [ -> ]snip

* Zambie ^‿^ snips again
If I recall it goes onto an SQL Database. If, for example, a new Teacher came to the team, he might just hand them out to his friends and that was his only goal to become a Teacher for that reason.

I know full well that this community has many back-end resources at hand - Its literally for security.

Glad they trust the Teacher Team.

I'm sure they have logs as well for the Staff Team handing out REPs for users, why combat this with the Teachers? It's literally back-end security to meet players requirements. LimeLight is a company, I doubt they'll want to be a company with minimal security and no back-end precautions.
(Oct 5, 2017, 08:17 PM)Zambie ^‿^ Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct 5, 2017, 08:14 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct 5, 2017, 08:13 PM)Zambie ^‿^ Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct 5, 2017, 08:07 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct 5, 2017, 07:11 PM)Emc2 Wrote: [ -> ]snip

* Zambie ^‿^ snips again
If I recall it goes onto an SQL Database. If, for example, a new Teacher came to the team, he might just hand them out to his friends and that was his only goal to become a Teacher for that reason.

I know full well that this community has many back-end resources at hand - Its literally for security.

Glad they trust the Teacher Team.

I'm sure they have logs as well for the Staff Team handing out REPs for users, why combat this with the Teachers? It's literally back-end security to meet players requirements. LimeLight is a company, I doubt they'll want to be a company with minimal security and no back-end precautions.

The script for looking up REPs by admin was in development prior to the REP change being announced to developers. They are un-related in that regard.
I don't think the current teachers are that kind of people who gives rep to their friends.
(Oct 5, 2017, 08:13 PM)Zambie ^‿^ Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct 5, 2017, 08:07 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct 5, 2017, 07:11 PM)Emc2 Wrote: [ -> ]snip
I don't understand why people won't give this a chance. I personally think it might work, sure it might 'devalue' the REP, but even so it is still shows recognition. Keep it this way; a player might do an absolutely amazing roleplay, but no staff are on. This could happen multiple times and the user doesn't get any recognition for a stunning roleplay. I think the solution they came up with will work.

This is the point that we've being to get across prior. REP are not a currency. They can't be devalued. Good RP is good RP. If our standard of RP is high, and more REP are given out, does that make them worthless?
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