(Oct 4, 2017, 01:01 AM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Lmfao I’m about to arrest everyone who is driving that on the road for 15 minutes
And also we’re just back to how it was in FL where everyone kisses up to the teachers to get RPPs, right? Might as well name them back to role play points
My god, like all of us working hard to get stuff added to the server and trying to make the community work together in terms of RP and everything then you get a comment this negative.
Can you please try to have hope for what we're trying to do? I mean for someone who hasn't played for two months I highly doubt you're gonna come online just to arrest people.
People like you make this community a seriously toxic community, we're trying our best to fix our problems and issues and you're just there to make it a toxic one, if you don't like the community please leave it like there is no reason for you to play no one is forcing you.
Maybe listen to harsh criticism respectfully like the example you're supposed to be? I get it, most times Dan is rough, but you can't go off on him for not liking an update and pointing out a flaw in a trolly way.
(Oct 4, 2017, 01:24 PM)Rocket Wrote: [ -> ]Not everything we do has to be suggested.
Most of the past updates we pushed we discussed it internally, it doesn't need to be suggested.
The reason why it was chosen was because it was suggested as a reward for the new REP system that we are re-working. It wasn't the buggy itself that was suggested first, we were reworking the REP system and wanted new rewards so we decided on a the buggy.
Not the other way around. Like I said before, we're not ignoring suggestions we're taking them but considering there's a lot of them its not easy, with your arguement even if we push a suggestion/s (which we already did before) you'll probably ask
"oh well why is this suggestion not pushed but this one has?"
We can't do everything at once, give us time and we will work on what needs to be done one after the other.
But there is literally pages of good shit already in suggestion that are simple. How hard is it to choose something the players have voted they wanted with a REP lock?
I don't think that the number of REPs given will increase dramatically. I for myself will not give out REPs just because someone throes sum emotes around for example. And I believe in the other teachers that they think the same. With that being said I don't think that you will see like 5 reps a day. But the chance that good RP will be recognized and rewarded will slightly increase with teachers being able to hand out REPs.
(Oct 4, 2017, 03:58 PM)roxas Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think that the number of REPs given will increase dramatically. I for myself will not give out REPs just because someone gives me sum emotes for example. And I believe in the other teachers that they think the same.
Hopefully you stick to that, as in the past it was the same thing.
I don't want to argue with you or anyone here, I respect everyone's opinion but its a bit annoying to see comments for players who literally don't even play on the community posting some toxic and negative comments about how they think or know what they're talking about..
Soviet, you were a staff once and you know how hard it is to get anything pushed. However, now we've got Doctor Internet who seems very good and very fast at his job, he is bringing suggestions internally for is to discuss on how it should be added etc, there's so so so much more we're working on and there's a threads about ideas and updates we're going to push its just a matter of what comes first.
We respect and appreciate all comments towards our updates and will take note of the things that players like and dislike, but in most situations we can't really please everyone, there will be updates that you don't like or agree with but we can't all agree to something. We have a few things planned out and a few more things that will be added.
My only hope is for people to have some more patience, approved suggestions is something for us to consider but we can't add half-planned updates or half-finished updated or something unplanned etc, needs planning. This stuff takes time.
To prove that it took us a long time discussing this topic.
This is the thread I've created, look at the date on the post.
![[Image: 17f36b6d10da67fe42e7909f511748ad.png]](
(Oct 4, 2017, 04:54 PM)Rocket Wrote: [ -> ]My only hope is for people to have some more patience, approved suggestions is something for us to consider but we can't add half-planned updates or half-finished updated or something unplanned etc, needs planning. This stuff takes time.
There are hugely popular suggestions, including rep item suggestions, from 2015-2016.
Why did something that wasn't suggested by any player take priority? We all know it takes time and needs planning, and we're not asking for half-finished or unplanned updates.
We're simply asking to be informed of what's work-in-progress and kept up-to-date. I don't see a reason why you can't keep the community up to date on upcoming updates.
When a Merceds 6x6 does not fit into CityRP but apparently a dune buggy does fml.
(Oct 4, 2017, 04:56 PM)Rocket Wrote: [ -> ]To prove that it took us a long time discussing this topic.
This is the thread I've created, look at the date on the post.
![[Image: 17f36b6d10da67fe42e7909f511748ad.png]](
No offense, but roughly 2 1/2 weeks seems like an awfully short time for changes as big as these. Just looking at the past tells you that teachers giving REP is not a good idea. RPP were being given out like candy on FL when teachers had access. I'm not expecting much different here.
Also, when did the Dune Buggy become part of the conversation? A suggestion with a lot of support would have been a better choice than some Dune Buggy that doesn't fit in.
Can you link the thread of the dune buggy suggestion so whoever suggested it can get some credit
(Oct 4, 2017, 09:35 PM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct 4, 2017, 04:56 PM)Rocket Wrote: [ -> ]To prove that it took us a long time discussing this topic.
This is the thread I've created, look at the date on the post.
![[Image: 17f36b6d10da67fe42e7909f511748ad.png]](
No offense, but roughly 2 1/2 weeks seems like an awfully short time for changes as big as these. Just looking at the past tells you that teachers giving REP is not a good idea. RPP were being given out like candy on FL when teachers had access. I'm not expecting much different here.
We are not FL, so I don't know why they're being brought up.
Not only have teachers been told very clearly of the guidelines for giving REP, I wrote a script for administrators to keep an eye on the numbers of REP given out.
We've got a much different teacher team than we had a couple of years ago.
Let's give them a chance before going "oh REPs are bad now, teachers abuse power" or whatever, yeah?
(Oct 4, 2017, 09:06 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]When a Merceds 6x6 does not fit into CityRP but apparently a dune buggy does fml.
I gave my opinion on that thread, the same way I gave my opinion in the development area. We don't all get what we want in life.
(Oct 4, 2017, 09:06 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]When a Merceds 6x6 does not fit into CityRP but apparently a dune buggy does fml.
Dude, this is like one of the few times I don't want to argue with you. I'm glad we're on the same page.