Hi all,
So when i try join the server the game freezes at this download all the time.
I have tried:
Verify game
Re-install Gmod
Re-install All Addons
Only loading required mods
Turning down Graphics.
Any help is a good help!
Could you provide an image of the part when your game freezes please?
I can't as it won't let me take screen shot as the game is frozen.
Its on the loading screen where I'm joining the server.
Put your Garr's Mod in Window mode and then to take the picture press print screen.Then upload it via imgur and provide the link please.
Try going to settings>video>advanced and set Model Quality to "High"
Ozzie's forum profile is broken, getting internal SQL error.
Just tried setting detail to high and not worked.
Would it work if someone uploaded a copy there's to dropbox or something and i put it in my folder?
Define what you mean by freezing?
Does the game goes "Garry's Mod (Not Responding)" or it forces itself to close?
It just stays on the loading screen, left it there for a good 40mins this morning and it does nothing.
Hey Ozzie welcome back!
I guess your profile is alright?
Regarding letter.txt: Can you try dxlevel 90 in your launch settings please
Id like to assist you on steam but I'm not at home atm
Ok mate will try that!
To add on to what Burnett has said:
Please ensure that you stay within the GMOD window at all times. No switching out to chrome, minimizing or switching to the Steam overlay. We just need to ensure it works.
Still getting stuck on: Downloading Settings/Spawnlist/Letter.txt

Drop me a message on steam when you're online and we can try sort this out mate! Thanks