Now when i try it windowed mode and -dxlevel 90, when it gets stuck on downloading Letters.txt it shows that gmod has stopped responding.
Interesting. Are you using a wireless connection or wired? As far as you know, have you changed any DNS settings? If you don't know what this means, probably a no.
I'm using wired connection, and not changed any DNS settings (Googled)

Could you not upload a copy of your Spawnlist file so i could try paste that into mine?
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
AMD Phenom II X6 1050T
8.00GB Ram
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960
Alright, attempt to change DNS settings please. If your unsure how, open the spoiler.
I'm using the DNS settings provided by Level 3 Communications. Been using them for some time, just want to see if this makes a difference or not, worth a shot. Alternatively, you can use the ones provided by Google which are:
If you have a program called ShareX, look under the "Tools" section, find DNS changer and you can alter your settings that way if you find it easier.
Just tried that mate and still no joy!
Update, managed to get past the original problem Thanks Rock, Its now getting stuck on Downloading Sound/vc_door_open.wav
any ideas?
Interesting. Throw in -condebug to your launch parameters, attempt to join the server, then PM the contents of the console.log file that's generated inside your GMOD directory
Don't know how to change launch parameters? Open the spoiler.
Sent it you in a PM mate.
Haven't got any PM yet. Are you sure?
I'm not entirely too sure why your getting stuck THERE of all places. The file doesn't even exist on the webserver.
Paging , and for further assistance. You've got me stuck so let's see what these guys have to say.
Well thanks for your time in helping me out anyways,
Much appreciated mate!
Disable downloading files from the server from the multiplayer tab. (If you manage to join it could be a FastDL issue)(also if you join you will be missing stuff by atleast try.)
Credit to for this.
Tried that earlier. Gmod freezes when joining then crashes
Not sure what to do now. Been at it all day