What's your opinion on Gun Control?
This can be in any country, but my guess is it'll mostly be on America and the recent Orlando shooting.
Everyone's views are permitted.
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Don't think worse of people because their view differs to yours.
Spread love. Not hate.
![[Image: tumblr_mehnv0Pwvx1rjdd5jo1_250.gif]](https://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mehnv0Pwvx1rjdd5jo1_250.gif)
If there were no guns / laws about no guns, then this would happen less. BUT in the american constitution, "You have the right to bear arms" (In soviet russia, they have the right to a whole bear :PPPP)
In Australia, there are strict gun laws and there aren't any mass shooting like ones in america. We get the occasional islamic-influenced shooting of a police officer or stabbings. Nothing as serious as the stuff in america.
I do think that America has a gun problem, but im unsure if removing all guns or placing strict gun laws will solve everything.
America started with a lot of guns anyway. I'm all for background checks (I think waiting periods are a tad pointless, in California you wait 10 days and have a bunch of checks with BAFTE including your thumbprint and describing where in your house you keep your firearms while you sleep and what kind of lock you use for your safe, while in Arizona you hand over your driver's license and wait half an hour for your background to clear. End result is still a gun in your hands). I'm also strong in the phrase "where seconds count, the police are only minutes away", which is true. I don't have any cops on my street within earshot when something's going wrong, and it takes the sheriff's department ~5 minutes average to respond to an emergency from their office to where I live. Long in short, that's more than enough time for the harm to be done to me or those close to me. Since I'm not a certified martial artist, I'll stick with my (shot)guns(why a shotgun and not a pistol or something? Well, I need to be 21 to buy a pistol, and the cool ARs that I would buy are fairly expensive.)
I also think that state restrictions on semi automatic firearms or their respective attachments is also ludicrous, as they'll only hinder those of us who abide by the law. Bullet button? Stick a .22 LR casing in there and you have a mag release. 10 round magazines only? Hop on over to the neighboring state and buy a whole bunch of factory STANAGs for your AR. This state keeps a list of guns which can be sold here, which firearm manufacturers have to pay for in order to stay on it. Just another way to collect tax revenue. We also have no shortage of ignorant politicians who spew garbage from their lips regarding firearms and their ability to function. Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, and my absolute favorite comedian, Kevin de Leon. Get a load of this guy representing California's interests.
The remarkable caliber of the people who represent us. /s/ I'm staying largely specific to my state because I live here. A 10 year federal "assault weapon ban" which ran from 1994 to 2004 had been said to do almost nothing to curb gun violence or shootings in the United States.
But seriously, I get heated at how shootings such as the one in Orlando are used to push political agendas such as Islamophobia or stricter gun control. It was a horrible tragedy.
At the end of the day, I will always go for a gun to defend myself and my loved ones. It's already worked for me, so I'm guessing the right to keep and bear arms still works for the wide majority of Americans who make the choice to legally purchase and use a firearm for their intents and purposes.
Fuck guns, the only purpose of them is to hurt people, just remove them.
Without them, it wouldn't work. My opinion.
(Jun 15, 2016, 10:55 AM)Mr.Sir Wrote: [ -> ]Fuck guns, the only purpose of them is to hurt people, just remove them.
Dosen't matter if all the worlds guns just dissapeard, people would still find a way to kill eachothers. Guns do not kill people. People kill people. However I do see where you are comming from.
Stronger gun control is needed in the US there is no way around it no more, the " I LIKE MY GUNS BECAUSE SECOND AMENDMENT" is the most stupid and idiotic argument one can bring up, yes its an amendment, but it was written before the time of automatic assault rifles and semi automatic handguns.
It's simple af. Don't sell handguns. Stop. It's time to stop.
In my eyes, gun control is what will cause more of these shootings. To stop bad guys with guns, we must give good guys guns, too, right? I am strongly against gun control. If guns were taken form the American public, it would be not only unconstitutional, but absolutely stupid. When britain banned firearms, violent crime shot up. Just because guns are gone doesn't mean people will stop hurting each other. A gun doesn't pull it's own trigger. Furthermore, one of the reasons America is free is because of guns. If anyone tried to invade, there would be millions of gun owners ready to defend the homeland. Just this fact, not the fact that America's military is strong, means that we can stay free.
One thing I do hate, though, are people who are European and don't have the full rights to guns that criticize America because we do have them. They have helped us and hurt us, but without them, we wouldn't be free
(Jun 15, 2016, 06:44 PM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]In my eyes, gun control is what will cause more of these shootings. To stop bad guys with guns, we must give good guys guns, too, right? I am strongly against gun control. If guns were taken form the American public, it would be not only unconstitutional, but absolutely stupid. When britain banned firearms, violent crime shot up. Just because guns are gone doesn't mean people will stop hurting each other. A gun doesn't pull it's own trigger. Furthermore, one of the reasons America is free is because of guns. If anyone tried to invade, there would be millions of gun owners ready to defend the homeland. Just this fact, not the fact that America's military is strong, means that we can stay free.
One thing I do hate, though, are people who are European and don't have the full rights to guns that criticize America because we do have them. They have helped us and hurt us, but without them, we wouldn't be free
Did you even read my chart and link?
(Jun 15, 2016, 06:44 PM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]In my eyes, gun control is what will cause more of these shootings. To stop bad guys with guns, we must give good guys guns, too, right? I am strongly against gun control. If guns were taken form the American public, it would be not only unconstitutional, but absolutely stupid. When britain banned firearms, violent crime shot up. Just because guns are gone doesn't mean people will stop hurting each other. A gun doesn't pull it's own trigger. Furthermore, one of the reasons America is free is because of guns. If anyone tried to invade, there would be millions of gun owners ready to defend the homeland. Just this fact, not the fact that America's military is strong, means that we can stay free.
One thing I do hate, though, are people who are European and don't have the full rights to guns that criticize America because we do have them. They have helped us and hurt us, but without them, we wouldn't be free
If a normal looking citizen of america walks into an area and begins to shoot the place up, and other normal looking citizens of america begin to pull guns throughout the area, how many people will be killed other than the original shooter because no one is sure who else is involved?
That guy has a gun, but this guy has a gun, i was on the 2nd floor and came down with my gun, and i see two people with guns who are standing near a body, I cant take the risk of them shooting me, so i will shoot them.
To me it just seems like everyone having a gun would just turn a mass shooting situation into an even bigger cluster fuck, since everyone will be shooting everyone, because not everyone will know who the original shooter was.
(Jun 15, 2016, 06:50 PM)Mr.Sir Wrote: [ -> ] (Jun 15, 2016, 06:44 PM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]-snip-
Did you even read my chart and link?
Yes, I have. I have known that for some time. Do you think your chart and link should determine my response?
And blackdog, I see your point. Not all people should have the guns since it could lead to your described clusterfuck. Some people could have guns to stop these people, but not all.
If guns don't kill people, people kill people, does that mean toasters don't toast toast, toast toasts toast?
(Just a joke)
To me, I feel like there's a large issue in the CONTROL of guns. Because it seems like so many unstable or unsuitable people can get their hands on a gun easily. I'm not sure what to google to provide statistics, but for example: Sandy Hook shooter - deemed Unstable.
The teenager who shot his mother and sister after watching a movie - deemed unstable.
In my opinion, there's hella gun crime because the opportunity presents itself to so many citizens.
I've always likened it to car thieves (bear with me).
You see an unlocked car, and so it's almost inviting you to steal it.
You see a locked car. It takes a lot more effort to break in, Hotwire it and get away - not worth the effort.
Think about guns as a car. If the car is locked (eg Guns are harder to obtain), it's much more likely that there will be less gun crime simply because there's a much smaller window of opportunity for the average citizen to resort to gun violence.
Look at Australia: they're a good example of a viable outcome if gun restrictions are tightened - I'm not saying remove them, but they shouldn't be so easy to obtain.
People talk about thieves who enter homes with guns and the need to protect their family/property - that thief got his gun legally. Most thieves are opportunists (it's not a career). Obtaining a gun - illegally - would be far more of a hassle than nicking someone's MacBook is worth.
There's a vicious cycle whereby guns are needed to protect yourself from guns which are needed to protect yourself from guns, to a point where everybody - including the thief- needs to carry a gun in self defence.
Way I see it, from a somewhat objective perspective:
America's gun situation is a bit of a catch 22: There's two 'major' options which people say will reduce gun crime
A: Abolition of gun ownership and revoking the 2nd amendment. Although this choice is unlikely to ever happen, it's commonly cited as being the best. It has the theoretical advantage of reducing the volume of guns, and so people wanting to do mass shootouts will reduce. Obviously the problem arises, which has been previously cited, in which the law abiding citizens would hand their guns in, but the criminals will keep it. It's also worth noting that America has more guns than people in the country. That's literally hundreds of millions of guns. Compared to the countries in which gun ownership is strictly forbidden, e.g the UK, there's around 2million, in which 1.3 million are shotguns, 500k are licensed, and illegal gun ownership is very low. (Note that most shootings, although very infrequent in UK, are done with the same weapon.)
This is all fine and dandy, but controlling the whereabouts of which would be crica 350million weapons, most of which would be illegal under reforms is hugly different from the hundreds in the UK. So unless it's phased out over a very long period, abolition simply wouldn't work.
Then there's option B, give guns to everyone.
Yes, this would reduce death tolls in mass shootings, but the overall death toll would likely increase. Imagine each semi-violent situation escalating to a shooting. Imagine that bar on a normal evening, there's a fight outside. Both men would likely have a gun, and being drunk are more likely to use it. If this notion is transferred across the whole of the US and in each situation which could potentially escalate, i'm sure there'd be an increase in shootings.
So what are other options?
Background checks? Although this helps, it wouldn't solve the problem greatly. The point is, from a citizen whom can be fairly objective about it, you're fucked either way. There's too many guns to regulate, and unless there was a fuck-off huge crackdown and anyone caught with even an ammunition case was instantly executed, there's always going to be a gun problem.
in too deep imo