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Full Version: Remove the Temporary Server
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(May 21, 2016, 12:25 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 21, 2016, 12:18 PM)Nevy Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 21, 2016, 12:09 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ]- Support Why don't we spend £200 a month on a US Server that is £70 more expensive than the EU server for the sake of maximum of 10 people online at one time it seems.

Coming from a UK player who doesn't even play on EU Rockford  Huh

Doesn't cause a single extra penny to keep that EU Rockford server up does it though m8? However it costs an extra £200 a month to host the US

It's not your money though, we all contribute enough to the server via donations. Doesn't hurt to satisfy both sides of the player base regardless of the player count of each side
What is your problem with the EU having a Rockford server?

(May 21, 2016, 12:32 PM)Nevy Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 21, 2016, 12:25 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 21, 2016, 12:18 PM)Nevy Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 21, 2016, 12:09 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ]- Support Why don't we spend £200 a month on a US Server that is £70 more expensive than the EU server for the sake of maximum of 10 people online at one time it seems.

Coming from a UK player who doesn't even play on EU Rockford  Huh

Doesn't cause a single extra penny to keep that EU Rockford server up does it though m8? However it costs an extra £200 a month to host the US

It's not your money though, we all contribute enough to the server via donations. Doesn't hurt to satisfy both sides of the player base regardless of the player count of each side
I don't mind a US Server, but when it's getting 10-15players at one time maximum, when it's costing a shit load of money, is it really worth it?
+support, US Rockford 4 lyfe

You realise that if an EU player wanted to play on the US Rockford it doesn't even show up on the server lists most times?

I know the same might happen for US players wanting to play EU but you have a Rockford server and to be fair I've never seen it full even during peak times for America. At least the EU server is used when the  v33x server is filled during peak for EU.

And anyone just +Supporting for Americas sake, you've got your own server I don't see why you need to +Support just for the sake of America.

And saying that EU Rockford has less than US its pretty obvious why its not like US Rockford is the only US Map, its the same as comparing the overall EU population to US it ain't fair.

And asking for an American v33x has the US Rockford been full more than ten times since its opened? I don't think the US population needs a second server at this point in time.

This again. ok, the US server was and is still fairly new.

Do retail-companies shut down stores because they see a drop in sales within the first few months? No. It requires at least two years to see a good steady flow of customers to determine whether or not the location of the store is actually worthwhile.

And that is without the stores getting shut down for months in between that time frame. Overall, I could care less where the server is. Lets just stop with US vs. EU crap. That is pointless. What matters is trying to appeal to the audience. Instead of saying, 'Nobody plays, shut it down!', why not try and determine what the problem is? Fact is, when I play, all the EU servers have 0 players.

In order to make a server successful, you need one important thing. People. Do you enjoy Rockford? Go play on the US server, show new players that yes, there is a playerbase for LimeLight. Right now, they are logging in and seeing nothing, mess around for awhile and log off bored. All because everyone complains about lag and instead logs onto the laggiest map I've ever seen (v33x).

In order for it to be successful, it will take time, dedication and support. Please, be supportive for the new server, help it because what it could potentially be. If successful it would mean we'd have full server at all hours of the day. Isn't that a win for everyone?
(May 21, 2016, 03:55 PM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]+support

This again.  ok, the US server was and is still fairly new.  

Do retail-companies shut down stores because they see a drop in sales within the first few months?  No.  It requires at least two years to see a good steady flow of customers to determine whether or not the location of the store is actually worthwhile.

And that is without the stores getting shut down for months in between that time frame.  Overall, I could care less where the server is.  Lets just stop with US vs. EU crap.  That is pointless.  What matters is trying to appeal to the audience.  Instead of saying, 'Nobody plays, shut it down!', why not try and determine what the problem is?  Fact is, when I play, all the EU servers have 0 players.

In order to make a server successful, you need one important thing.  People.  Do you enjoy Rockford?  Go play on the US server, show new players that yes, there is a playerbase for LimeLight.  Right now, they are logging in and seeing nothing, mess around for awhile and log off bored.  All because everyone complains about lag and instead logs onto the laggiest map I've ever seen (v33x).

In order for it to be successful, it will take time, dedication and support.  Please, be supportive for the new server, help it because what it could potentially be.  If successful it would mean we'd have full server at all hours of the day.  Isn't that a win for everyone?

I personally don't see why the EU regular population should be expected to subsidise the US population. As new EU players can't see the US servers and different maps attract more people the EU Rockford is often the only choice for players when v33x is full. Shutting it down will lead to more people having to queue to join and as we gain more new players during peak time than any other shutting down the EU Rockford will leader to a decline in new players and overall player base

Exactly what SirWulf said.

It's true what's been said about Rockford with the spawnpoints and such, so the server should be polished up to really improve the playerbase.

We need players to use the US server for now to populate it and bring in American players. If we can get the current playerbase to simply suck up the slightly lesser FPS (despite it being a more optimised map anyways so the impact shouldn't be too harsh) and just use the damned US server out of no other choice, then New Players will become regulars, and more new players will come in. And eventually there'll be no need for our existing playerbase, because they've been replaced by the new kids who joined the community because people were on the server.

Here is my very informative guide:

[Image: mGnvImo.png]
I just don't see the reasoning in keeping around the temporary Rockford server when it hasn't had more than 3 people on it at once in the past week, was only there as a temporary measure, and is hurting the population of the more popular U.S. Server, driving away new players.

Also, if you're so desperate for an EU Rockford, how come it is so underused?

The American server has an excuse, it's been neglected. All the map changes made it horrible to play for months on end, then it disappeared. And now that its back, there has been no announcement. It just quietly reappears and continues being ignored because some people can't deal with a slightly higher ping without crying.
(May 21, 2016, 10:16 PM)Stomm Wrote: [ -> ]I just don't see the reasoning in keeping around the temporary Rockford server when it hasn't had more than 3 people on it at once in the past week, was only there as a temporary measure, and is hurting the population of the more popular U.S. Server, driving away new players.

Also, if you're so desperate for an EU Rockford, how come it is so underused?

The American server has an excuse, it's been neglected. All the map changes made it horrible to play for months on end, then it disappeared. And now that its back, there has been no announcement. It just quietly reappears and continues being ignored because some people can't deal with a slightly higher ping without crying.
I'm all up for a US Server but have you seen how much it costs for around 10 people maximum at one given time costs LimeLight? EU Rockford doesn't cost a single penny.
People don't even realize that the US server was the most populated server when we launched, breaking records for server population and number of unique players per day but when it got messed up because of a problem with rockford being updated and the workshop link being broken, those new players weren't able to join again and this messed up the exponential player growth and because of this it seems like devs werent putting in the same effort to promote it and EU players started using this as a reason to ask for it to be switched to EU. The EU Rockford only broke the record because us US players had no other choice but to join and play on EU Rockford because even though we still had high pings we have better FPS there. After The following day it dropped back down to being an empty server. Come summer though more US players will be playing and we really need this server to be run on the US dedi we really need this server to be run on the US dedi so it can show up on the server lists of US players. The US player base is more important tbh because right now Limelight dies after 3pm US time
(May 21, 2016, 10:28 PM)Nevy Wrote: [ -> ]People don't even realize that the US server was the most populated server when we launched, breaking records for server population and number of unique players per day but when it got messed up because of a problem with rockford being updated and the workshop link being broken, those new players weren't able to join again and this messed up the exponential player growth and because of this it seems like devs werent putting in the same effort to promote it and EU players started using this as a reason to ask for it to be switched to EU. The EU Rockford only broke the record because us US players had no other choice but to join and play on EU Rockford because even though we still had high pings we have better FPS there. After  The following day it dropped back down to being an empty server. Come summer though more US players will be playing and we really need this server to be run on the US dedi  we really need this server to be run on the US dedi so it can show up on the server lists of US players. The US player base is more important tbh because right now Limelight dies after 3pm US time
No offence, but them "record breaking" was EU Players at EU time wanting to test out the map.

Not needed to take the EU Rockford out. Just keep it.
(May 21, 2016, 10:16 PM)Stomm Wrote: [ -> ]I just don't see the reasoning in keeping around the temporary Rockford server when it hasn't had more than 3 people on it at once in the past week, was only there as a temporary measure, and is hurting the population of the more popular U.S. Server, driving away new players.

Also, if you're so desperate for an EU Rockford, how come it is so underused?

The American server has an excuse, it's been neglected. All the map changes made it horrible to play for months on end, then it disappeared. And now that its back, there has been no announcement. It just quietly reappears and continues being ignored because some people can't deal with a slightly higher ping without crying.


Also, I would like to see EU Rockford being shutdown until the US server can get back to its feet, then just bring back the EU too. Everyone happy.

+Support until US is populated again.
(May 21, 2016, 05:05 PM)Safira Wrote: [ -> ]+Support

Exactly what SirWulf said.

It's true what's been said about Rockford with the spawnpoints and such, so the server should be polished up to really improve the playerbase.

We need players to use the US server for now to populate it and bring in American players. If we can get the current playerbase to simply suck up the slightly lesser FPS (despite it being a more optimised map anyways so the impact shouldn't be too harsh) and just use the damned US server out of no other choice, then New Players will become regulars, and more new players will come in. And eventually there'll be no need for our existing playerbase, because they've been replaced by the new kids who joined the community because people were on the server.

Here is my very informative guide:

[Image: mGnvImo.png]

As stated before most EU players cant see the US server on the server list so when EU is full many wont play except those whom who use the website and decide to join the US server however the EU server is mainly full when the US server is empty for example it is now it is 1am UK time and the time in America should ranges between 2pm to 8pm. This should be peak time for a US server to work it should be able to have some sort of playerbase at time of writing there is a single player on US Rockford and two on the EU. I cant understand why people are asking for EU players to play on the US server when the US population on this thread wont but are happy to remove the temporary EU server for the sake of populate America. I dont see any logic in asking EU players to play the US server when the majority of US players wont be able to play due to time difference basically you are asking to turn the US server into a EU one. Another point is that at time of writing there is 27 players on EU server v33x and only one on the US now argue that the US server is underloved but a single player during peak times shows that the US player who really wanted their own server dont want to play it. At the beginning I had no troubles with EU players playing on the US server but if our own US players arent prepared to play it why should we remove a EU server to encourage the use of an US server? If the US players dont want to play on the server because a lack of population but arent prepared to do something about it then they obviously dont care enough about it. They shouldnt expect EU players to play the US server if they wont themselves.
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