Hello, community.
I do not wish to make this a post oriented around what I plan to do or what I did, but rather just give you the basics of what as an HR team we will be focusing on and what is being done.
First of all, the elephant in the room. Staff Activity.
With the decline, the staff activity also came to a full stop and enforcement on activity was halted as it was deemed to be unfair as one can’t moderate an empty server. While it might be a valid point to some degree, looking back at it, it did not work but instead possibly hurt us.
We have worked out some fixes on this issue. With the implementation of Core Staff which separated the team within roles, we are now able to see the interest and set requirements accordingly. Going further into this, for example, a Core Staff member does not have to be a CityRP Administrator, they can choose to keep their initial role however doing so they will acknowledge that they will meet the requirements of the role. Below is an example breakdown of roles and their activity requirements.
- Core Staff requirements are them actively being involved with Core Staff duties including participating in discussions regarding Community-wide topics, assisting in maintaining Limelight at a certain standard and giving opinions, taking part in projects and actions to better Limelight.
- CityRP Administration requirements are maintaining 20 hours of activity on the server, assisting and participating in decisions directly involving CityRP
- CityRP Trial Moderation, Moderation and Senior Moderation requirements are maintaining 20 hours of activity on the server.
Basically, if a Core Staff member chooses to keep their CityRP Administration role they are expected to meet both Core Staff and CityRP Administration requirements.
However, this is not all.
For the past 4 weeks, we have been holding frequent internal meetings to get our initial plans in order, with the entire team working together these meetings have been productive. As we continue these meetings, we wish to also continue bi-monthly community meetings as we are working to be more transparent in how we work, what we plan to do and what we have done.
In the coming weeks as HR, we will work on internal contingencies to make sure when someone is not available that would be needed for a certain something that is urgent, things can move on. These are still under discussion as there needs to be a lot of detail thought out regarding these but we see this as a necessity to keep things running smoothly.
Alongside the above, during our weekly meetings topics of staff promotions have been brought up. Since Limelight’s inception and even before it, staff promotions were done with existing staff choosing people that they believe could be beneficial to the community however, with time this has been more difficult, especially now. To include more ambitious people within the staff team, we are considering opening an application process. While the details are still to be discussed, we believe this would be beneficial as it helps us see who is interested. While the application could act as a backlog to look at while we select staff it still provides us with a list of people that we can go to when needed. The details and specifics are not fully decided on, even the idea is not decided on yet as we are considering every aspect of it and however, in the following weeks we hope to give you more updates on it.
We’ve also made decisions internally to close the Community Input group and put more focus on general community feedback and improve on the systems in place for those, an example is the development team’s use of the feedback platforms. We plan to use the community input subforum further and work to include the entire community further.
Beyond these, everyone on the team is working to assist Limelight and hopefully get it back on the road. I wish to thank the entire team for participating in the weekly meetings and putting points forward that progress the discussion and assist in us going forward. I also wish to thank you, the community for sticking around and giving feedback when necessary, in the end, everything we do is for you, and we hope we can make progress that pleases you.
Thank you for reading!