May 8, 2016, 03:17 AM
FIA Reported to be developing chemical weapons
By Phil Coulson
EVOCITY - There's no doubt that the recent leak of the FIA's activities has caused a large disturbance among the people of Evocity. A revelation on this scale is something that we have never seen before. The leader of the FIA, James Mayfair, has released a statement claiming that the FIA was in fact rife with corruption. He also states however, that the corruption has been wiped out, and that him and his company can be trusted again. Yesterday I met four agents who gave up everything to reveal the truth. Forced into lives of fear, of paranoia, and of hiding, in order to do the right thing. Exiled to the shadows, they guard us from those who seek to do us harm. I have kept contact with them, and today I received a report that the FIA has more sinister plans. I am making this report available fully in unedited form.
Quote:The FIA are claiming that we "tortured" their owner. How ever, I can reassure this did not happen and have photo's to prove this, also today he open fired on us in the MTL Tunnel, we will be releasing body cam footage of us interviewing him.
This body cam footage will ultimately prove we did not torture him, further more when he engaged us, he used lethal toxic rounds, we assume they where developed by him and his sub corporation ZerOne Medical Care. I did return fire. But no harm was done, he was knocked unconscious as we used salt rounds on him.
A paramedic was called as we do not believe in casualties, he was then revived by the excellent EvoCity Medical Team.
In the firefight, he had hit landed a round on me and I blacked out, after an examination, the bullets used where lethal and almost killed me, they contained [font=arial, sans-serif]C[/font][font=arial, sans-serif]1[/font][font=arial, sans-serif]1[/font][font=arial, sans-serif]H[/font][font=arial, sans-serif]2[/font][font=arial, sans-serif]6[/font][font=arial, sans-serif]NO[/font][font=arial, sans-serif]2[/font][font=arial, sans-serif]PS, Or better known as VX. It is a nerve agent, no anti-body on earth can defend the body from these. [/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif] [/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]The chemical attacks the [/font][font=arial, sans-serif]nervous[/font][font=arial, sans-serif] system, and breaks it down, the same way the Ebola virus attacks the immune system, the chemical goes unnoticed . The CBI Is now looking into an anti-dote and will be distributing it as soon as possible. We do fear this chemical a lot as it can be used in gas form, and the smallest intake can be deadly. A wide spread attack could wipe out the majority of Americas population, worst of all, It's very hard to train sniffer dogs, or program computers to detect this. It could even be smuggled through boarders in an aerosole can. [/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]It could be then released into the air, I advise all citizens to be on the look out for people wearing gas masks, and to promptly report them to authorities.[/font]
We are trying desperately to shut down the FIA's operation In EvoCity and are contacting their head of department in New York, I will be addressing the problems in the EvoCity Branch, and question them on why they are developing chemical weapons and using it against american agents and or public.
I can not stress enough, America needs you citizens of EvoCity, the FIA will indefinitely strike when our backs are turned. Stay alert, your doing well EvoCity.
Here is a video:
We are sorry for the low quality, and no sound, the cameras are not equipped with mics.
The video was cut as we were raided.
We are truly happy that we can inform you of this.
Yours truly.
- George Snowden
Mayfair claims that the Federal Investigation Agency has turned a new leaf, and that all the corruption that was present in his company is now gone. The crimes that the FIA is implicated in are very serious, and they cannot simply be brushed off with a press release and a hand-drawn diagram. The high-level crimes that were taking place could only have been directed from the very top. At the very top is James Mayfair, and likely more unknown collaborators. If the FIA and its collaborators truly have nothing to hide, let them come forward and prove their innocence. If they are hiding something, let them be dealt with swiftly, before a catastrophe breaks out in our city. All citizens should be vigilant, for it is only the indifference of good men that lets evil triumph.
Who watches the watchmen?