All complaints filed must follow the template, copy paste from below:
[b][u]FUMUKU International Complaints Department[/u][/b]
[b]Complaints Processing Protocol:[/b]
[b]Protocol BCP-V1A[/b]
[i][u]Fill in in relevant information where applicable[/u][/i]
[b]Date 00/00/2016[/b]
[b]Steam Name:[/b]
[b]Reason For complaint:[/b]
[b]Complaint evidence in regards to violations of FUMUKU employee conduct referencing the appropriate conduct sections:[/b]
[i][b](Conditions of employment for FUMUKU International S:1.)[/b][/i]:
[i][b] (Local authority Laws)[/b][/i]:
[b]How the above actions have affected you:[/b]
[b]Actions [u]you[/u] have taken to resolve the issue:[/b]