[b]Name of Player:Monkey_D_Luffy [/b]
[b]SteamID:STEAM_0:1:89852776 [/b]
[b]Server: V33x [/b]
[b]Time: Something between 7:00-9:00pm [/b]
[b]Summary: Monkey_D_Luffy shot me (president) as Police sergeant.
because I had made arrest warrant on him in his previous life,
then after I got back to president´s job he followed and took a job of secret service agent and instantly started shooting me.
later he started minging with his ferrari and speeded across the city which cause him to crash and break his car.
Which he solved by reconnecting to server in order to get his car back.[/b]
In this Monkey_D_Luffy admits on OOC that he killed me.
Him shooting me as SS agent.
comment: Reconnected in order to get his car back
Comment: In this he seems to be asking somekind of "ceasefire". He seems to think that its okay to start even teamkilling
others because they have arrested you in previous lives...