Name of Player: PinnE
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59593543
Server: V33X
Time: Around 14:45.
Summary: He was paramedic. He was driving from nexus, when he suddenly turned over to the against the pavement and ran onto it. I was nearly hit, and I ran to his ambulance saying he obviously couldn't drive, and he should get his car impounded.
He got angry, and then reversed abit, as I was standing close to his ambulance he started driving, and he hit me. That part is okay, I was standing as close as I could get.
The problem was that I got unconcious, and he refused to stop and revive me. As far as if I might have annoyed him, he is still a paramedic and he is as far as I know not allowed to refuse to revive. He just drove away.
I'm testing another application with "pre-recording" now, and this was my first clip. It does not have sound, as I found out that I actually had to turn that on. But I am saying "Get the fuck out, you can't drive for shit! Stop the car!"
He was basically yelling "FUCK OFF!"