Player name: Antwon6262
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81763376
Server: v33x
Time: Yesterday around 1:00 to 2:00am
Summary: This was actually posted in Antwons report against Fluffy and Klaidass but Antwon for some reason deleted the thread I posted this on and created a new one. After some thought I decided that I should post these videos as I had already uploaded them and just get them viewed by an admin. Antwon was already banned for powergaming and breakage of NLR so I don't mind if it is denied but these videos I have include him team killing and failrp due to randomly shooting his gun which is more than he was banned for and probably why he deleted his first post.
Evidence: - Part 1 - Part 2
The random firing weapons done by antwon is apparent from the start.
The Swat vs Police starts from 3:40
The bodies killed by antwon are apparent in the second video.
In part 2 you can see the breakage of NLR on both sides and teamkilling done by Klaidass.
Sorry for the distant shot of the video, didn't want to get caught and antwon shot at my foot previously for entering the blocked area around the fountain.
As I said before I had the videos already uploaded and talked with an admin about the incident where he deleted the original post which I think was to delete my comment of his own rule breakage and was told to post a PR if I think he broke more rules than he was banned for.