Backstreet Appartment - Block 1A
Cost: $10,000
Props: 30 props and 40 props (Same price for each of them)
Description: This lovely appartments has a four room section. This including a basic Evocity - Backstreet Appartments bathroom and a living room with working ®TV to view the current situation around the city. The finest leather coming from local suppliers for a comfy couch and cozy chair with a hard oak wood dresser draw for storing your own supplies into your appartment and dark oak wood. The dark wooden floor with red silk curtains for the shut eye times at night with a thick carpet, suitable for house pets to sleep on.
It also includes a lovely dining table with seating for four members on a lovely weeded chair, cushioned with the finest of Evocity's silk pillows for comfort during dinner time, the oak table finally polished with the Evocity's department of workcuttery with support from the local fishermen with a complimentary gift of a free fresh Evocity lake water fish. Finally, the appartment also includes a lovely, cozy and small bedroom with a linen unique quality king-sized bed with five pillows, two on each side and one placed in the middle to fight over between you and your miss. In your bedroom, you will also find yet again a local set of drawers with a girly thingy-.... Who wrote this script!
Images: (Apologies, there are only images of the 30 prop build
, And the person owning it in the picture, bought it off me :3 )
Living Room
Dining Room
Bed Room
You can purchase this today at SourMart! -