Feb 3, 2016, 03:16 AM
It was just supposed to be a normal repo job....
These were the words muttered the by beat up, weathered Detective Adam Trooper of the RF:PD, while being questioned by a mysterious man, of a mysterious organization.
It was just an ordinary day for Detective Trooper at the Rockford Police Station. He would be sitting inside of his office, sipping on a bottle of ice cold soda. Being a fairly new detective, he had no reports to file. He would instead be finding himself playing games on his cell phone. The sounds of sirens and car's roaring by would be heard fairly regularly, as would the sounds of officers talking within the station, with the occasional sounds of prisoners screaming "IT WAS A RANDOM ARREST, UNARREST ME!"... the crazy nutjobs.
He would get a call on his radio, from officer Snow Katyusha.
"Detective Trooper... we found a car whose owner is wanted at the slums. License plate YOLO."
Trooper would grab his radio off it's charger dock on his desk, speaking into it.
"RF:PD - Detective - #1 || Alright, I'll look up the owner and get over there ASAP."
Trooper would turn to his computer, waking it from it's slumber. He would quickly cross check the vehicle with the wanted list, seeing it belonged to an Issac 'Theo' Bismark. A man previously associated with several mystery crimes, but was never sought after.
The Detective quickly gets up, and runs out to his unmarked Dodge Charger, getting in and speeding off.
He quickly arrives to the slums, and cones off the area, taking over the investigation. Before taking the car in, the officer suggests to go arrest the man, as he must be in the apartments.
With Officer Katyusha at his side, he runs up the stairs of the apartments, until he gets to Apartment 3. He pounds on the door.
After asking repedietly with nothing but.... maniacal laughter, the Detective pulls out his glock and blows the lock off the door, busting in. Unknown to them, the man was waiting on the other side, with an SMG. He puts at least 30 bullets into the Detective, putting him on the ground. The Officer blasts him once with a shotgun, putting him on the ground as well, as he laughs the whole way down...
After being helped by a Paramedic, the man is brought back to the Police Station, where a lengthy, painful interrogation takes place. Things have gotten personal for Trooper, and he wanted revenge. When the tricky and sly man finally reveals that he murdered several officers and put them at the bottom of Evocity lake, it puts Trooper over the edge. He smashes the man's knee with a lead pipe, probably breaking it and several bones around it.
Issac cries out in pain, but begins to laugh harder. He says that there is a way to save one of the officers, that he isn't really dead, hes at a warehouse out in the outlands, with his boss.
Trooper calms down, and puts Issac in a wheel chair. Upon leaving the interrogation room, he discovers that his office has been ransacked and most items stolen, and his cruiser gone, stolen by an unknown foe. He takes Issac's car, and drives out to the warehouse. He busts in, only to discover... an empty warehouse. No officer, no boss, nothing.
Trooper very calmly wheels Issac in, who by now had been deceiving him and lying to him for a few hours.
He uncuffs Issac, and throws him off the wheel chair, onto the cold concrete of the warehouse.
As Issac slowly gets up, he begins to say "Is this what you want to be, Detective? hm? oh... hahahaha.... you know what you are becoming, Detective.".
Trooper pulls out his Glock, aiming it at the man's head.
Issac laughs manically, saying "My Boss is watching, Trooper. Do it."
It takes two shots.
Trooper leaves the wheel chair and the body in the warehouse, stumbling out. By now his suit is covered in not only his blood, but Issac's as well. It has several tears and holes, and he's disorientated. Confused. Angry.
He gets back into the car, muttering to himself "Taking a dead man's car... never thought I would do this..."
"Great Job." a voice comes from the back seat.
Trooper turns to find a man with a covered face, but old, weathered jeans, shirt, and body armor.
"We will be watching you further...."
The man exits the car, and disappears into the forest.
Trooper runs out of the car, yelling
"RF:P.... rf...."
He doesn't even finish his sentence.
He stands there, watching where the man disappeared.
He slowly backs up, gets back into the car, and drives away, hoping to never hear from anyone about this again.
He doesn't get his wish.
(This post was last modified: Feb 3, 2016, 04:21 AM by Brax.)