***You have recieved a E-Mail***
Welcome there Earthl.. Citizen.
My name is Wallace Breen i am the Head of the Combine, you may know me
Or you dont know me.
However, we found interest in you as a good student for our Careercenter
You may ask you what Combine stands for?
Careercenter of modular interest north east
We can give you the opportunity to get a free course at our new Careercenter.
Everything will be paid, you dont need to worry about anything.
You will be at the Careercenter for 120 Days. There is no way to get out earlier, but you can also stay longer if you want to learn something else.
However, there are a few exceptions:
- You are not allowed to bring any devices with photo function with you.
- You are not allowed to bring any Pets with you.
- You are not allowed to bring another Person with you, there is a reason why we have choosen you.
- You are not allowed to bring any mobile phones with you, there are free phones at the careercenter.
- You are not allowed to bring your PC/Laptop with you, you will get a PC from the careercenter.
- You are not allowed to bring any weapons with you.
- You are not allowed to bring any drugs with you.
- You are not allowed to bring a device with you, which can be used to community to anybody in someway.
Breaking any of these Rules will lead to an Room arrest for one week and the collection of that device/drug/weapon
You can study whatever you want.
Biology, Physical education, market economy,
even the handling with weapons, we only use gas weapons.
You can also learn how to write the perfect application for your dream job.
***End of Mail***
***You found a appendix in the E-Mail***
(1)*Choose one of the Answers down there*
***You recieved a message*** ****Dear Sir or Mam you will have a place at our Center. You will get the infomrations soon about the Bus departures.****
*You are done here. Send more Informations via PM*
**Well.. thats it, you are done.**
***You're Computer is downloading the file, but you are not sure if you should open the file or delete it.***
**You are done here if you didnt contacted the head of the Combine| If you contaced the head of the Combine, choose the answer 1.a.a)**
***You are scared that this could be a bad file, so you decide to delete it***
***A Error message appears***
You are scared and you close the Error Message but you think if you should try to find something about the Combine out.
*You are done. Go ahead with your Life*
***You find nothing of Interest on the Visible Internet***
***You are thinking if you should try the Darkweb to search***
***You found an article about the combine, but it is compleatly useless to you, because its written in letters, which you cant read. You try to translate them with any translator you find.. but those translaters never knew the langue, you assume that they are bugged or are from an alien race***
***You think about it, and decide to ignore the E-Mail***
****You are done, leave this thread.****
***You search for any Alien related stuff you can find. In the visible web... You find some images but they seem to be faked. You are contacting a internet forum about the error message and the website, which was written in the same letters as the error message.***
***You search for any Alien related stuff you can find, in the visible web and the Darkweb... the visible web couldnt really help you out, because you noticed that there are only jerks on those alien websites. You found a strange website
"They4reh3r3.[Missing]" The webiste shows some interesting Pictures... all of those pictures and drawings shows things, which you have never seen..
![[Image: latest?cb=20090125204113&path-prefix=en]](https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/8/84/Ep1_citadel_advisors_room_pods.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090125204113&path-prefix=en)
![[Image: 132?cb=20090926092648&path-prefix=en]](https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/e/e2/Stalker_duo.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/132?cb=20090926092648&path-prefix=en)
there are much more but you get scared and leave the website.. you are not sure if the Pictures are fake or real.
You are trying to contact the owner of this site... but you cant find any informations about him...***
**You have read the threads above, but you dont really think that the combine has something to do with those images.**
**You didnt made the reasearch and you are joining the combine
OOC - Information
Steam Name:
Steam ID:
Hours on LL:
Have you played the Half Life 2 series:
Why do you want to join the Clan:
Why should i accept you (What you can offer):
Most clan events will be government RP's.
(SSA=Combine Eltie, SWAT=Combine Soliders, Police=Metro Cops, etc)
Clan is not open yet, like the Clan Models. Clan will open with enough Members.
Closed due missing applications.