Improving your roleplay
Making your experience better!
How the “/me” command works:
/me [text]
Ex. /me grabs the documents from the glove box and hands them over to the officer.
Felicity Smoak grabs the documents from the glove box and hands them over to the officer.
How the “/it” command works:
/it [text]
Ex. /it Driving license status: Suspended
**Driving license status: Suspended**
Correct use of the commands:
When using /me, you must not use the command to force a roleplay upon someone. Instead of doing the above, you could try something along this line (/me attempts to grab the man’s neck), From there, if the opposite party wishes to follow your roleplay then you might proceed with other actions. Same goes for /it, you should not use it to force someone into a roleplay.
Example 1 (Correct use of /me)
Player 1: Felicity Smoak passes a note discreetly to the man next to him.
Player 2: Dale Stark takes the note while checking his phone with the other hand.
Example 2 (Correct use of /it)
Player 1: **Driving license status:? **
Player 2: ** Suspended due to “Hit and Run” for 5 years. **
Note: Remember rule 2.6.
(Powergaming is not allowed Ex. do not do "/me snaps the man’s neck, killing him" or similar)