(Dec 30, 2015, 01:42 AM)Edna The Maid Wrote: I have come to inform you about a false 7 day banning by the notorious 'Blackdog', an admin within your servers. Over the past year he has showed numerous grudges towards me and my other colleagues (E.g: Caroline) and has accused me on false accusations across the board in order to get me banned. Today, I joined limelight, and found myself stuck in a lift with both Jinsol, caroline and a former police officer. Once inside, blackdog appeared and issued a 7 day ban upon me for 'Fear/Fake Rp' he also claimed that I was not in the server to roleplay. Judging by your servers title 'Semi-serious' I think that 7 days for such a quick judgement was unnecessary, due to no admin being called at the scene and that blackdog was quick to issue such a ban without even assessing the situation at hand nor stating a valid reason as to what I did wrong (Which was nothing, I was simply being sent to the jail via the lift due to trespassing on the presidents floor). Furthermore, when reading my previous bans I noticed that every single one of them (3) was made and issued by 'Blackdog'.
To conclude, I think that the ban was unnecessary and that Black dog is overusing his power as a form of dominance and self confidence. I think that his overwhelming grudge towards me is childish and not an admin like quality. Thank you so much for taking your time in reading my letter, I hope an admin who is capable of doing his job correctly will reason with this unban request and take all necessary actions into place.
Yours sincerely,
Edna x
I agree, this has to be taken into consideration, you go girl xx