This is my first attempt at a clan page, no idea if it looks good, going to give it a try anyways! I will also remake some of the logos, so they aren't bland and because I am reusing the oak logo every time for everything, just getting this out of the way.
Oak Enterprises is a well known inter-continental figure that specializes in the area of marketing, public welfare, and disaster relief up and down the east and west coast. We always put our clients before us and always help everyone in the time of need. Oak Enterprises is one of the best corporations in the world that provides the most powerful and best resources and tools to the public and disaster relief assets. Our management teams work together to form the most powerful round-table to help the public and government in time of disaster or in times of need. Employees of Oak Enterprises aim to the best of the best in bringing help to the people of EvoCity and other inter-continental countries.
Oak Enterprises is an old company that was founded in 1776 as a logging company in Northeast America, in the colony of Massachusetts (Now modern day Maine) and was closed down in 1865 due to the end of slavery, in which slaves were the primary workers of the mill. The company then reopened in 1914 as a manufacturer of weapon parts which would soon be used in World War I, which started by the assassination of an Austrian prince. Oak Enterprises yet again went into action with manufacturing of weapon parts and ammunition for WWII during 1943. Soon after, the company closed down all factory's due to the United States Attorney General deeming all factory's unsafe from the pollution they produced, half a million Americans lost their jobs that day. The company reopened in 2015 and promised to bring back the old glory of their ancestors who ran this former company, Oak Enterprises current President, Emma Wilson (1992-), is the great-great-granddaughter of the original founder, Thomas Camp. Her brother, Stephen Camp is a back-up president currently and takes over operations when Emma is not there. Their main headquarters and sub-headquarters are located in EvoCity. The future of the company is now in Emma's and Stephen's hands.
The management and High Command. of Oak Enterprises consists of different people of different backgrounds in order to help the company grow and expand. High Command comprises of the leaders of Oak Enterprises, who control most operations and have the final wording over suggestions and operations. The management teams are lower ranking then High Command but give the orders from the High Command down to the employee's and or operatives/security officials to be worked on. High Command has 4 ranks of people, or as we call them in Oak Enterprises, "teams". The management teams consist of 3 ranks of people, or "teams".
Emma Wilson (Stephen Camp)
Vice President
Head of Departments
Board of Directors
Supervising Team
Management Team
Office Development Team
Oak Enterprises has many divisions that help and provide the company with the best help and information for the public use, such as disaster relief, which is commonly used by countries on the continent to help with disaster clean-up such as oil-spills or natural disaster clean-up.
Disaster Relief is a division in Oak Enterprises and associates themselves with helping countries/states/cities all around the continent, this division is the most known and funded within the company. Disaster Relief has its own section in the headquarters of Oak Enterprises and is the only division who has its very own section in the headquarters. Most employees are assigned to this division as Oak Enterprises is more known for Disaster Relief around the continent.
Disaster Relief works around the clock to provide the best of the best support for countries/states/cities around the continent and to help those in need when a disaster happens. Most people always choose our Disaster Relief Division for the best service and help.
Security is a division in Oak Enterprises and associates themselves with protecting and handling issues that come across all Oak Enterprises places, this division is the one of the most known and the second most funded within the company. Security has its own headquarters only a few minutes away from Oak Enterprises Headquarters. All agents in this division are highly trained and are assigned probation periods every year to monitor their progress and the check-up of corruption and or illegal actions, any agents caught of these actions are submit to demotion/suspension from the company and possible federal arrest by the EvoCity Government.
Our security team works day and night to protect our employees and work. The security team agents won't let people in the company down and are set to very high standards, if they are not met, they will be viable to suspension for a few days until these standards are met, so we always keep our team in place.
Administration is not considered as a division, unless some things are said, otherwise its a group of high command people that come into one group who manage the company. The administration group consists of the President, Vice President, Head of Departments, and the Board of Directors. They also oversee all operations that are approved by themselves. The administration group also is the superior beings of the company, with absolute power over certain aspects, but in which the power structure goes, ex. president over vice president, as in this case the president has more power then the vice president.
Administration works hard to deliver the hard work and help overseeing this company to guide it in the right way, without these people the company would be no where near its full potential seen today.
Internal Affairs is a major player in Oak Enterprises due to the fact they investigate any wrong doing and can take powers away from the administration group or any employee being investigated. Internal Affairs is the twin of Foreign Affairs but the opposite at the same time, in which they investigate in company wrong doings. This division is a brand new one, which started in the year 2015 to help out and investigate any or all company wrong doings.
Internal Affairs works to fix all company issues even if it results in a employee having their contract terminated and their records removed. This is the only division that doesn't have its own place to house it employees, as it has only been founded recently.
Foreign Affairs is another major player in Oak Enterprises because they do the exact opposite of Internal Affairs, but instead they investigate any foreign affairs that involve Oak Enterprises or any employees employed here. Foreign Affairs works with any other corporation or group that we may be involved with at one time. This division is also a brand new one, which started on the same exact day as Internal Affairs help out and is currently being used today to investigate wrong doing with other companies or groups.
Foreign Affairs works day and night to solve any issue that is created between one or two companies excluding Oak Enterprises. This division has the brightest indivuials to think about solutions that benefit both companies and will be used for better promise in the future of EvoCity, Oak Enterprises, and other any group or company that causes problems or we do.
Oak Enterprises has many locations in which a number of employees work at, each of these locations provide a type of service or specialty that aids the company in helping the public with issues such as disaster relief or government aid, etc.
Oak Enterprises's Headquarters is located within the borders of EvoCity, a bustling city full of life with exotic locations such as the Nexus or the Lake. Our Headquarters specializes in many things that are currently disclosed until the company settles down.
Security Alerts are used in the security division and wide spread through the company to indicate any issues or complications going on that are violent, non-violent, trespassers, or anything that must be taken into action to protect the company. Security Alerts are based on a cold to hot scale, starting with blue to red.
BLUE ALERT: A trespasser is on the provenance or a suspicious individual is spotted taking pictures of numerous parts of a location. Blue Alert results in a notice to all employees to be on the look-out for anything suspicious or to wait until its over or another step is taken.
YELLOW ALERT: A trespasser makes it into a provenance and is being confronted, or a shooting is heard nearby, a soft lockdown will be initiated and all locations will be placed on it.
ORANGE ALERT: A trespasser is on the property and is into the administration or security division places, a hard lockdown is placed for these two places.
RED ALERT: A armed trespasser in on the provenance and is shooting at employees, or a backpack that could possibly have a bomb is located outside a facility, a hard lockdown is in place and local authorities are called.
A LEVEL CLEARANCE: President, Vice President, Head of Departments, Board of Directors
This clearance level has access to all information that is distrusted throughout the company and can overrule and decision that is made, except the high power such as ex. president:vice president, in this case the president has more power, and can then overrule that decision.
B LEVEL CLEARENCE: Supervising Team, Management Team, Office Development Team, Security Director
This clearance level is the exact same as A but less actions and movements, in which they cannot overrule anything or get much access to information, other than from their own team.
C LEVEL CLEARANCE: Employees, Security
This clearance level has no actions, as it has no clearance to much information or anything, they are to due what they must and try to climb the rank structure.
This clearance level has absolutely no actions but to file paperwork and such, they can't access top secret files or such.
Steam Name:
Steam ID:
How many hours on the server do you have? The required amount is 150 hours(Exceptions can be made):
Are any blacklists on record? If so what are they about:
Are any bans on record? If so what are they about:
How many commendations do you have:
First Name:
Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Past Occupations:
Positions Held in Past Occupations:
Registered Citizens who can vouch for you, and their information(Steam Name):
How would Oak Enterprises help you:
Why would Oak Enterprises need you:
What division are you interested in(Security, Management, etc.):
Do you have qualities or experience in leadership/management:
If so, what would you do if you were high command or in a management team:
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