After review of the plays..
Kermit, ya can't do that. Shotgunning someone in the middle of main street, especially as a citizen... bad boi. I gave you a warning for that.
Kreebss, ya also can't do that. Your NLR timer barely started and you already ran back into your NLR zone.
That being said, because the video is so short, I have no knowledge of if it was just to retrieve your vehicle (which based off of my recollection of past practice,
briefly passing through your NLR zone is permitted), I have nothing actionable on the NLR allegation. With that being said, allow this to be a reminder of our New Life Rules, which I have quoted here for your convenience.
Quote:4.1 - If you die, you forget how you died. You cannot go back to the place where you died for 10 minutes or interfere in any other way with the RP happening in that area. If you were killed, avoid contact with the players that killed you for the duration of the NLR timer. Ask for staff permission to break NLR if you died to a bug/prop/RDM/etc.
In this case, the call on the ice is reversed, and no punishment will be issued to Spicy.
Moving on to the RDM Allegation...
Kermit, yea. I get it. Nobody from your Clan was online at the time. However, being in the position that you were in, going for your radio probably wasn't a smart move. Given there was less than a minute between when you had radioed "happy facer" (which I haven't gotten the slightest what that was supposed to mean, but I digress), I would venture to say that you were killed for using your radio whilst under gunpoint. At least that would be the logical explanation that I came to watching the video and checking the logs, after which you and Spicy had a brief conversation about in OOC, in which he is absolutely correct. From an in-character perspective, he would have no way of knowing that:
A) nobody was coming, and;
2) "happy facer" wasn't some kind of distress code.
Logs attached to jog your memory (filtered out unnecessary entries):
v4b1 [10:28:51] [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) said "/cradio happy facer"
v4b1 [10:28:51] [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) used command "cradio happy facer"
v4b1 [10:29:00] [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) said "backflip?"
v4b1 [10:29:08] Spicy (STEAM_0:1:118927445) injured [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) using cw_m3super90
v4b1 [10:29:11] Spicy (STEAM_0:1:118927445) killed: [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) using cw_m3super90
v4b1 [10:29:12] Spicy (STEAM_0:1:118927445) picked up "cw_ber_p90", dropped by ()
v4b1 [10:29:12] Spicy (STEAM_0:1:118927445) picked up "cw_m3super90", dropped by ()
v4b1 [10:29:14] SERVER (SERVER) Memory Use at 11 hours and 30 minutes - 57.08 MB
v4b1 [10:29:27] [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) said "// i will see you in the forums"
v4b1 [10:29:34] [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) said "// nlr+rdm is crazy"
v4b1 [10:29:35] [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) said "// nlr+rdm is crazy"
v4b1 [10:29:35] [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) said "// nlr+rdm is crazy"
v4b1 [10:29:36] [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) said "// nlr+rdm is crazy"
v4b1 [10:29:37] [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) said "// nlr+rdm is crazy"
v4b1 [10:30:20] [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) gained $990 from salary
v4b1 [10:30:34] Spicy (STEAM_0:1:118927445) said "// if you take out a radio under gunpoint i will think you are calling up your buddies"
v4b1 [10:30:46] [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) said "// there is noone XD your so stupid"
v4b1 [10:30:52] Spicy (STEAM_0:1:118927445) said "//"
v4b1 [10:31:05] Spicy (STEAM_0:1:118927445) said "// I dont know that in character"
v4b1 [10:31:13] [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) said "// dont act stupid buddy"
That being said, the call on the ice is reversed and no punishment will be issued to Spicy.
Now, in case anybody was genuinely curious, I think this clip very much so sums up my reaction to this player report:
To recap..
Kermit has been issued a warning for FailRP, killing someone in the middle of main street with the job title "Citizen".
No punishment has been issued to Spicy.
Closed & moved.