Reported Players: coolman6969442200 (STEAM_0:1:547226331)
Server: EU Live
Time: 2020-Jun-10 23:30
Summary: (Time stated above approximated)
I was on the build server receiving some quick lessons on how to use dupes so admittedly I didn't witness the cause of the reaction in OOC that this report is regarding, but frankly from what he describes himself (15 minutes for something that doesn't warrant 15 minutes) and others description of events (holding an officer at gun point) this reaction wasn't called for in a million years and is nothing short of disgusting, especially how he then goes on to respond to others despite treating him in a civilised manor.
I know context is key to understanding things, but at least in my eyes nothing can justify a reaction as disgraceful as his.
Transcript of console below, just tell me if you need a higher res screenshot and I'll try get a better one
(Clan Radio) BrookeB2809 is now Online
(<3) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Dirty Minge: thank gof
Prop session not saved, No props found!
(<3) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Dirty Minge: god*-
[Photon] Failed to load int_dodge because the Photon parameter was not valid.
[Photon] Failed to load sgm_1998cvpi because the Photon parameter was not valid.
[Photon] Failed to load int_dodge because the Photon parameter was not valid.
[Photon] Failed to load sgm_1998cvpi because the Photon parameter was not valid.
[Photon] Failed to load sgm_1998cvpi because the Photon parameter was not valid.
LL_HUD: Enabling hud!
(SOUTHSIDE-OOC) coolman6969442200: pcoman youre a piece of shit wtf
(<3) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Dirty Minge: lol
(SOUTHSIDE-OOC) coolman6969442200: literally kys you dumb bitch
(<3) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Dirty Minge: ooc instults nice
(SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Cam: no need for that vile language @coolman
(<3) (OOC) BrookeB2809: Coolman I'd like to remind you this isn't MW2, knock it off
(SOUTHSIDE-OOC) coolman6969442200: 15 fucking minutes fuck you
(OOC) SeaGull: F
(SOUTHSIDE-OOC) coolman6969442200: shut the fuck up i wasnt talking to you was i
(<3) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Dirty Minge: you realise u can get banned for the ooc insults,
especially telling someone to kill them selves
(SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Cam: coolman you arent making any friends are you
Prop session not saved, No props found!
(<3) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Dirty Minge: he doesnt rp he breaks every rule under the sun and
then he tells someone to kill themselves
(SOUTHSIDE-OOC) coolman6969442200: pcoman is always fucking with me and being a
bitch whenever im on like that was not worht 15 minutes
(<3) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Dirty Minge: holding a police officer up at gunpoint is pretty illegal
(SOUTHSIDE-OOC) coolman6969442200: idek you guys literally have thousands of hours
lmao get a life
(<3) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Dirty Minge: ur 12 lad pipe down
(<3) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Dirty Minge: cool are u gonna cry?
(->[]) (Join) Player isaiahmorrison700 (STEAM_0:1:549939606) has joined the game.
Prop session not saved, No props found!
(v) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) nev: Hey Nicholas, welcome to the server.
(<3) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Dirty Minge: welcome lad
(v) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) nev: F
([]->) (Leave) Player isaiahmorrison700 (STEAM_0:1:549939606) has disconnected
(Disconnect by user.).
(<3) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Dirty Minge: xD
(v) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) nev: We really need a proper landing page/place for new users
Prop session saved, 3 props found!
(v) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) nev: I swear there is something going on with this map or the
content because people try and connect and get disconnected all the time
(<3) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Dirty Minge: fuck knows man
(<3) (OOC) BrookeB2809: That's just Source engine being Source engine, you get it with
Half Life as well
(v) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) nev: Hm no I don't think so, there have been issues with maps we
have used in the past (map updates leading to incorrect versions) as well as some
content related issues
Prop session not saved, No props found!
Model missing: models/christmas_objects/whitedeer1.mdl
Model missing: models/christmas_objects/whitedeer1.mdl
(->[]) (Join) Player alexthekid (STEAM_0:0:537363626) has joined the game.
This is not a valid command!
(<3) (SOUTHSIDE-OOC) Dirty Minge: thats brave with no SS
Prop session not saved, No props found!
Restoring gamemode to sandbox