Reported Players: AbleBodiedCripple (STEAM_0:0:80752530) (@'Apex') , Finnish Drunk (STEAM_0:0:173227382) (@'Finnish Drunk')
Server: EU Live
Time: 2019-Dec-26 16:00
Summary: RDM'ed for no proper reason as you can see in the video of the evidence as well as here below as @Finnishdrunk was the hitman or atleast was claiming to be @
KINS3LLA is also involved in the whole situation.
The set of rules which I think they broke:
3.1 - Your character needs to have a valid in-character reason for their actions, especially ones that harm or otherwise affect other players. The action needs to be appropriate to the reason e.g massacring the entire police force is not an appropriate response to being hit with a baton by a single corrupt officer.
As simple as getting hit by a baton, a demotion should not trigger the violent response of massacring your ex-employer at all. I feel the in-character action does certainly NOT fit the event that occurred previously. A simple demotion, which was talked about by the police chief, can be easily settled by a chat and what not.
I do not believe anyone in their right mind would shoot the president, head of state, for demoting them for misbehaving.
The reason for demotion was because Yuri attempted to handcuff me and make me forcefully resign, which might I add is also FailRP. Due to the very nature that the police force cannot simply “demote” the president. Both the real-life logic and the in-game tool knowledge backing my claim.
For their misconduct I decided to remove him from the force due to his horrid work-ethics that has endangered and disrupted the functioning of the police corp. Again, I asked the police chief to demote him, therefore asking a second opinion. His demotion was simply caused by his misdemeanour. I could’ve sent them to jail for mistreating the president while he was making sure not to send an innocent man to jail without a proper reason.
It seems Yuri also has had quite a past for violent tendencies when roleplay does not go his way. He has been punished for attempting to kill a president because the person did not abide by his rules and demands.
( I refer to Blacklist ID 79240 )
12.1 - You need a valid reason to raid the President (or anyone else). Do not raid the president for money, because of high taxes, because you don’t like certain laws (unless they drastically impact your character), or as retaliation for being arrested by the police due to your own actions. Before raiding the president, you need to show that you have attempted and exhausted the possibility of a peaceful resolution. You need to have an appropriate underground job set via /job before raiding anyone – don’t raid as the default “Citizen” job without using /job first.
He did certainly not exhaust all means to resolve this incident peacefully. He has not contacted me, messaged me in any way. He simply went on his way to put a hit on my persona to get rid of me. I stress this point due to @Kinsella, whom was involved, got punished for this same reason.
That is why I think this is an issue that should be dealt with.
( I refer to permanent warning ID 4556)
13.8 – Hitmen must make sure their employers have a valid reason to place a hit on someone, failure to do so may lead to both the hitman and their employer being punished for RDM.
Because there was no valid reason to raid and massacre the president in the first place, there is therefore no valid reason to place a hit either. Again, after done some research I have seen that the hitman, Finnish Drunk, has been punished for a similar fact that I here accuse him of too.
In blacklist ID 78223 he has been punished for completing a hit without prior information, which I believe to be the case today as well.
You can also see the laws that I have added in my provided evidence as well. I have not put anyone above the law and neither my clan members like what they claimed before. I have also issued an arrest warrant on the leader of the clan for 10 mins since he was involved in a shootout. So, I was not helping my clan as president in any way. I would like someone to look at the evidences provided by me and
@Kinsella since he was involved with the whole thing as well.