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Nov 26, 2019, 10:25 PM
Posting on the behalf of Puggy
Your Name: Puggy
Ban ID: 8484, 8661, 8668, 8668
Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. And tag their forum account. @Doctor Internet / Console / @Daley / @Overlewd
Server: Main
Ban Reason: DA/ToS? / Initating a PD raid as a chef. Propkilling. Proppushig. Propspam, attempted server crash. Admitted "just went on for the memes"
Why should you be unbanned?: I deeply apologize to everyone who has been affected by my immature and bad behavior. I was very immature at the time I was banned and I promise not to prop kill anyone again. I was banned over 7 months ago and I have really changed now. I have matured and grown up.
I know it may be very hard to trust me and let me on the server again, but this is the best I can do. I really like the community, this is actually one of the best Garry's Mod servers I have played in and I'm willing to do anything to come back to it.
I would like to have another chance on this community and do the best out of it. I will RP more passively and in accordance to your rules. I have read the rules very carefully and thoroughly so I know all the rules now; no rule violation will be done from now on. It's all up to the staff if they should allow me in or not. The only thing I can do right now is to cross my fingers and hope for the best.
Also i do not know what my ToS bans were for?
Evidence: N/A
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Nov 26, 2019, 10:25 PM
The staff-members have received your unban-request, D3ST.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle
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Nov 27, 2019, 12:53 PM
Will need to discuss this with the other involved staff members.
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Dec 3, 2019, 01:06 PM
Hi Puggy, as discussed with you over DM's I'll now be handling this appeal as Doc isn't comfortable in doing so, and Daley's stepped down. I'll be referring back to Overlewd where needed as well.
Again as discussed with you, I've reached out to Faustie for further clarification about your situation so you'll need to bear with me whilst I clear that up, but until that happens, could you explain to me why you did what you did in-game with regards to the attempted PD raid and prop misuse?
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Dec 3, 2019, 03:16 PM
*Posting on the behalf of Puggy*
Hey night,
I was raiding the PD as a citizen and i forgot to change my job and then got put in a sit and spammed props for no reason because i was angry im sorry about this i dont really know what else to say .
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Dec 3, 2019, 03:23 PM
Looking at the notes on the ban, you didn't seem to show much remorse for your actions.
Quote:[9:32 PM] Pugggy: It was funny cos u perma me
What's changed now?
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Dec 3, 2019, 03:30 PM
*Posting on the behalf of Puggy*
[font=Whitney,]I have matured more now and i am very sorry for my actions and it will not happen again.[/font]
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Dec 3, 2019, 03:35 PM
Could you please explain how you've matured? It's very easy to just say that you've changed - if I'm going to consider taking the risk of unbanning you, I'd quite like to know what's changed between now and then in regards to your behaviour.
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Dec 3, 2019, 03:43 PM
*Posting on the behalf of Puggy*
[font=Roboto, sans-serif,]I have matured by thinking about my actions what i did and i know it was wrong and i would just like 1 more chance i will not fuck it up i promise
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Dec 10, 2019, 06:58 PM
Hi Puggy.
Unfortunately I haven't yet heard back from Faustie which leads me to believe he's extremely busy, so I've discussed the case with Overlewd and reached a decision with him instead. I appreciate your patience.
Your ToS bans were for content theft, as you were stealing parts of our content and then using them as part of your own community at the time. I have no evidence to suggest this continues, however as discussed privately, your behaviour since then has also been far from appropriate. There was the private case we discussed, as well as you constantly pestering our development team which isn't helping you here I'm afraid. With those things in mind, it's hard for me to consider an unban at this time for you, though I do appreciate your apology for the private concern I noted with you.
Seeing how I have no evidence to show for what you did wrong, ID 8661 will be removed and ID 8668 will be edited to reflect that your suspension is now a HR service-wide ban, as that's what has happened here already essentially (considering your forum account is banned, your Discord account is banned and your in-game account is banned all for ToS).
If you'd like my advice, I would suggest that you settle down for a bit. Try not to keep on the cases of our developers - they're quite busy people after all and it helps no one. Stay out of trouble for a bit, and I'd be happy to re-review your case when you're next entitled to an appeal. In the meantime though, I wish you all the best and a happy christmas too. I hope you take my words here onboard and that there aren't more concerns to raise with you next time.
To summarise, ID 8661 will be removed, 8668 will be amended. In light of the private incident, it kinda defeats your statement that you've matured in my eyes so this will remain though I'm willing to review this at a later date
[L²] Night
Supervising Administrator.