Mrs Luchesse, How Do You Do?
Today I had the pleasure of meeting an up and coming Don in Evocity, Mrs Bella Luchesse. Mrs Luchesse has recently garnered a large amount of police attention, as many of the members of her family have. She has already set a large estate for both her and her relatives, along Waterfront Road. The area has been gentrified a great deal, including cobbled walls, beautiful hedgerows and many Rolls Royce Phantoms in the driveways. I almost felt embarrassed to be driving my battered old Dodge Monaco there. I was welcomed by a friendly man in a trenchcoat and mirrored shades, who guided me to a driveway with a stone arch and an italian flag draped over. I was greeted in the garden by the woman herself. This experience was different in terms of security however. They trusted me enough to give me a search that would shame a TSA agent, and then guided me to the living room. The house itself was rather cozy, but still reeked of money, with decorations such as a large flatscreen TV, an antique suit of armour in the corner, and a mahogany coffee table. It was almost an italian villa.
Now Mrs Luchesse was extremely friendly throughout the interview, and even after my first question I was immediately certain that she held the police of Evocity in much disregard. I first asked her why she thought her family had recently gained a large amount of attention, and her response was as such: "I think the police in this city should be nicer to its citizens, why they are [harassing] us for sticking up for the small guy is beyond me". It was clear she doesn't hold the police in any form of respect, as is common amongst those who are involved in the criminal world. However this time she seriously seemed to believe herself when she said that the police are corrupt and that she has done nothing wrong. I was initially inclined to believe that I had the wrong address, but then she spoke about her family's most recent "job". Her neighbour's car had been stolen, and he had asked them to get it back. She recalled her associate, whom was only known as Tobias, talking to the thief and "convincing" him to shut down his chop shop. It turns out, Tobias is the one who was watching the conversation as security. He recalled that he has a "silver tongue", which seemed to be code to them, as he clenched his fist as he said this. According to the woman herself, their methods vary into whatever seems suitable at the time. I decided against pressing harder for fear of Tobias using his "silver tongue" upon me.
Mrs Luchesse comes from Italy, specifically from a town that is "not famous for anything really", and her family moved to New York when she was young. She grew up with four brothers, seemingly an only-daughter. This could explain her vague boisterousness compared to other female crime lords I have interviewed. When quizzed about her previous employment, she refused to state any further than "waste disposal consultant", leading me to believe she was likely getting rid of bodies for her father. She claims she left New York because of a lack of opportunity compared to Evocity, although ironically her complaint was that New York had a high crime rate, but Evocity had an even higher one. For comparison, New York City had 4,000 arrests between 2017 and 2018, whereas Evocity had 25,000 arrests and has a third of the population. She also took time to bash the government, stating that police are extremely unorganised, extremely corrupt and extremely, to quote directly, shit.
It was at this point she cracked open a large bottle of expensive looking liquor, going as far as to offer a glass to me. I declined. She poured herself 4 fingers of the strong smelling stuff and downed it in one. Either a heavy drinker or a heavyweight. She then detailed that Club Ruby was her most popular money making enterprise, and by far the most successful. I decided to ask about the recent investigations into money laundering, to which she simply replied "Money laundry? Absolutely not!". It was at this point I noticed that Tobias was getting tense, so I laid off a little. As loose as the security seemed, they were certainly alert. She regaled that her family was hoping to muscle their way into the fishing market, and that in the meantime many of her family were performing "contracts" for various citizens of the city, although she did not wish to list either what those contracts would entail, nor what she thought her net worth was.
I had one last question left, and that was what one thing would she change about the government if she could. To again quote her directly, "I'd be inclined to say legal weed, but that's what everyone wishes for. Me? I'd like to see more [corrupt] officers convicted and people whom are clamped under the law actually get a lawyer!".
In conclusion, I believe that Mrs Luchesse is by no means stupid, nor unaware. She comes across as cold, calculating, and most certainly a woman not to be messed with, under any circumstances. I commend her for answering in ways which would make even the slimiest of politicians shake their heads, and I wish her luck on her enterprises, and she told me she is a reader.
Article written by James Bastard
Finished 13th September 2019 18:06:02