listen to this if you wish
so, not too long ago (at the time of writing this thing of course) Article 13 and Article 11 have bypassed and are (probably) gonna go into action in the next few days (or so) meaning, it will possibly destroy some websites or simply ban them inside of Europe like Youtube for example, and I'm just curious to my fellow European limelighters on what your reactions are on these new articles.
I accidentally stumbled upon an advertisement called "#ScotlandIsNow" and I don't think its a protest about the new Articles that just struck upon Europe but here it is if anybody cares:
Since I'm the First European Posting here (greetings from Germany BTW) I think I should start off this long adventure.
- I (obviously) want a free Internet without any Internet Neutrality bull-crap laws.
- Youtube is probably gonna go down in Europe in the next couple of days
- Full-On Paris Yellow Vest Protest on them in Berlin (or wherever they got an HQ)
- I feel very disappointed with Europe and the idiots that enforced the Articles
- I`m probably gonna move out in the future to a different country (preferably England or Scotland) or pretty much anywhere out of Europe
- I`m just curious what did the internet do to the people that enforced these horrible articles
- It`s the Berlin Wall all over again, forgot about them Europe?
I think this should be enough for now.
Hardcore alcoholic, or alcocore hardholic.
Maybe holiccore hardalco?