Your Name: ReddyTheAlpha | Wolvesis | Boyka | alot other names i think
Ban ID: 7788
Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. And tag their forum account. (@administratorsname) : Console many times | @
Server: Main
Ban Reason: Double Account
Why should you be unbanned?: Hello, i am going to start off by saying i was incredibly childish to DA , over and over again still, but ive stopped for a while since i realized i should actually stop and come back the right way. Its just awful thinking back of me creating ubr's when i shouldn't and that it has a specific time when i can, that was really childish and just not my blood there. It was a Year since i joined the server, i would love to come back. Its been more then a year now,I am really sorry for all the trouble making i caused to this community, but i really think ive changed and i do want to play with my friends once again like back in 2016 / 2017 when all the good times were actual good times.I am really sorry for embaressing mysef in front of you guys, because it really was childish of me to do it. The last time i made a ubr, it almost got accepted, but then got declined because i wanted to da again, but that actually wasn't me wanting to do anything, i was on my alt trying to play euro truck sim2 because thats the account
i had it on, and i remembered that i might get unbanned, so i went on gmod, and logged on. Then i was really hyped that i was unbanned which i wasn't i just thought because it let me join, and then i got banned by console. I even posted a message in ooc saying how much i love to be back, i don't remember if i was typing it but then got banned or i actually typed it. But yeah after those other attempts Yes i tried getting in the server the wrong way which is clearly not me because i would not do such thing now. And i am really happy with the current Staffing, so thats the other reason i would come back. I am very sory once again. Take your time on replying
Posted on behalf of Wolvesis.