The Basics of RP
So you want to get involved with all the cool roleplay events that people create on Limelight, but you are unsure when or how to do so?
This guide can show you the simple and basic tools you need to know when getting involved with RP's.
There are many commands that you can use during roleplays to immerse and create depth in a wide range of roleplays, such as cafes, car crash, hostage situation, robbery, mechanic and even homeless!
Here are the main 3 commands you will see people using in RP!
/me : This command refers to your character in third person. For example, if you are injured in a plane crash, and you want to create an in-depth medical roleplay, you can do /me shows signs of internal bleeding, shock and low pulse.
/it : This command refers to events happening around the player. This can be used either to create a more fluid roleplay which allows for more opportunities or to show that there is a gas leak near that car that crashed.
/roll : This command can be used for many occasions. For example, it can be measured for medical RP for someone's heart rate, or measure a chance that you will successfully revive someone
IT Emitters: You can find the IT Emitters in the spawn menu (Utilities). You can use these instead of typing /it all the time.
How to get involved.
Sometimes it can be difficult to get involved with peoples roleplays, and sometimes even more difficult to create your own. Here are a few tips on how to get involved with RP if you ever see one.
1. Ask the RP owner if you can join in through /pm. The worst case scenario is that they say no.
2. Join the RP when it is beginning. Don't leave it to later. (Helpful if it is a crash site and you want to be a patient)
3. Simply take part, enjoy yourself. Make the RP more realistic with your own personal touch, commands and ideas.
You might notice that some people get REPs for the roleplays that they have created. REPs unlock cool items that you can use and also increases your prop limit. You earn REPs from using the commands shown above and getting involved with peoples roleplays, or starting your own roleplay.
Now it is not guaranteed that you will get a REP everytime you start a roleplay, however, there is a chance that staff will come across it or that a teacher is involved in the RP as well. So don't feel bad if you don't get a REP.
And that is it!
I hope that this guide can be useful for any new players that want to get involved with RP's!
Post any suggestions for edits down below.