Reported Players: GalaxyGamer (STEAM_0:1:166646953) , meerkateve (STEAM_0:0:104940727)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jul-18 20:52
Summary: GalaxyGamer is driving recklessly therefore I pull her over with my gun out and tell her to get out the car. With my gun aiming at her she drives away.
GalaxyGamer = 1x FearRP
GalaxyGamer is trapped during a pursuit, again with my gun aimed at her I tell her to get out the car but she refuses, despite a paramedic telling her that she is breaking FearRP.
GalaxyGamer = 2x FearRP
After getting out in her own time, she then just decides to run off into the bank still with a gun aimed at her
GalaxyGamer = 3x FearRP
meerkateve comes to pick her GalaxyGamer while she is unconcious (they tend to help each other out as I've seen the multiple times on the server). Although my Taser is out and aiming (the animation was glitched for me but I'm sure it would've been seen by them since you saw I eventually tazed which can't be done in safe mode) Though she had her back so I don't know if she saw or not, but keep it in mind.
I taze meerkateve because she is trying to help a warranted citizen get away, doing so kills GalaxyGamer which I'm sure they are happy about. I attempt to warrant meerkateve for preventing the course of justice and killing the warranted citizen, but the warrant system is bugged when you don't put (arrest) or (search) in which I keep forgetting.
As shown, I tell meerkateve to stop but she also breaks FearRP with my tazor directed at her, then also my gun.
meerkateve = 1x FearRP
GalaxyGamer comes back to the scene by breaking NLR and telling the police chief, that meerkateve has done nothing wrong
GalaxyGamer = 3x FearRP + 1x NLR
meerkateve is being aimed at by 2 officers now with a tazer, but she still refuses to follow FearRP and gets into the car with GalaxyGamer
meerkateve = 2x FearRP
GalaxyGamer then drives away will we both still have them aimed at with a tazer.
meerkateve = 2x FearRP
GalaxyGamer = 3x FearRP + 1x NLR
This was all in the span of a 5 minute scene!