General Information
General information about the company
Walker Organization is a company created in August 2014, founded by Michael Walker. We are currently working in EvoCity, Rockford and Paralake, mainly in Rockford. Our goal is being the best place to work and having happy customers!
Stores and Businesses listed
Businesess listed in alphabetical order
Amusement Park Rockford
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Casino Cosmos[/font]
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]RF-Mechanic (Mechanical Services, Vehicle inspections)[/font]
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif][font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]RFPT (Rockford's public transport)[/font][/font]
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif][font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]KP-Manufacturing (Weapons, ammuniton, medicine and special equipment)[/font][/font]
Description of every business
This section explains what we exactly do
Amusement park Rockford
Amusement park Rockford is the only amusement park in Rockford at the moment! We have the best rollercoasters, feel free to try! Because those are free!
Casino Cosmos
Casino Cosmos is a casino at 169 Cosmos St. Try out the 50/50 wheel and roulette!
Never borrow money from anyone to gamble. Do not make yourself bankruptcy with gambling. Walker Organization never supports that.
Need new bodyparts, new colour to your car? Or is your car broken? Then contact to RF-Mechanic! If your car needs to be fixed, we will come there where do you need. Bodyparts will be installed at "J&M Glass Co" warehouse. Colours will be also changed in the warehouse
Rockford Public Transport:
Rockford Public Transport drives a free taxi and a free bus! Welcome aboard! You can find the HQ from RTA.
Public Transport map
KP-Manufacturing is a business that manufactures weapons, ammuniton, medicine and special equipment. First do the order, then choose, will you pick up the item(s) or will we deliver those. You can do the order in phone or come to Rockford Lake!
Current Employees
Kyösti Pöysti - The manager of Walker Organization (Manager assists other workers in one business at the time)
Poju Vainio - Worker
Employment Application
[b]Out of Character Information[/b]
Steam name:
Reps issued:
Hours in the server:
[b]In-Character Information[/b]
Full name:
Date of birth:
Telephone number:
Social Security Number:
Current Recidence: Example road 12, 12345 Rockford
Why are you applying?
Why should we pick you?
Character Bio:
If your application gets approved, you get the needed dupes from me. Or you can build yourself maybe more better looking ones.