Your Name:
Ban ID: none
Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. And tag their forum account. (@administratorsname) @
Doctor Internet
Server: Discord
Ban Reason: Making an offensive comment
Why should you be unbanned?: Let's start with why I was banned in the first place.
I was banned for making an offensive comment. A comment that
did not offend the person at the other end, but for "the comment itself being offensive". Now, what did this comment say? Well, it equated the authoritarian comment made by a staff member (@"26") to Hitler. He said that certain senses of humor are bannable. Sounds authoritarian, doesn't it?
Let's explore what rule I broke, exactly. Well, here are the Discord rules (retrieved from a friend, rules created after my ban removed):
Quote:-As with the other rules, common sense applies.
-Do not harrass members.
-Do not (mic)spam.
-Do not use soundboards and/or voice changers in public channels.
-Do not blatantly advertise.
-Do not use the Discord as another form of @ request.
-Do not ask staff members to unban and/or unblacklist you nor ask them to look at your courthouse thread (it will not end well).
-Do not post extremist, pornographic or NSFW content.
-Do not post any of the above in avatars.
-Don't DM staff about server issues (unless critical) or rank requests.(edited)
[11:20 PM] Doctor Internet: Discussion Rules:
-Keep discussion serious. Whilst we'll support your right to speak, we won't allow for flaming, trolling or offtopic posts in discussion areas.
-For staff or development feedback, don't harrass or flame staff members. It's a chance to give feedback, not hurl abuse.
January 16, 2018
[2:18 PM] Doctor Internet: Notice:
Since the discord is now publically visible, we'll be coming down harder on those who breach these rules, or make distasteful posts in the discord.
Now, let's filter the rules to anything that I could have violated.
Quote:-As with the other rules, common sense applies.
-Do not harrass members.
Quote:-As with the other rules, common sense applies.
This rule is the ultimate catch-all, isn't it? Couldn't anything be considered "common sense" and therefore in violation of this rule?
Wouldn't it also be common sense to note the similarities between the statement of a staff member, an authority figure, and a former authoritarian leader? The former could quite easily turn into the limelight counterpart of the latter. Wouldn't we want to notice that and prevent it?
Quote:-Do not harrass members.
One comment to a friend doesn't seem like harassment.
Evidence: none