(Apr 23, 2018, 06:51 PM)Faustin Wrote: You missed quite a few:
Bruv - Bro
Baccy - Tobacco
Calm - Cool (You're calm bruv)
Chat - Disrespect (Don't chat to man)
Gavvers - Police
Safe - Cool
Sweet - Cool
Allow - Stop (Allow being a cunt)
Bait - Obvious
Bare - Lots of/very
Bars - Raps (Oi set me some bars bruv)
Boss - A friend of yours
Chore - Stealing
Creps - Shoes
Dash - Pass/Throw (I dashed his pen out the window)
Is it? - Really? (Bob got shivved man -- Is it?)
Jokes - Funny
Link - Someone you're close with but not actually "dating" yet, but it's inevitable
Long - Something that takes more time than it's worth (Ngl the maths homework is long)
Older - A friend that is older than you and looks out for you
Roll with - Hang out with (Roll with me today bruv)
Shook - Nervous
Shot - Selling, generally drugs
Switch - To turn on someone (I switched on him bruv)
Trek - Travel/Long Distance (We're trekking to Greenwich)(Beckenham is trek bruv)
Vexed - Angry
Younger - A friend that is younger than you and you look out for
Even More:
Benz - 0.7g-1.3g of weed valued around £10
8-Ball - 1.7g-2.3g of weed valued around £20
20s Bit - £20 of drugs NOT weed
30s Bit - £30 of drugs
3-5 - 3.5g of weed valued around £35
40s Bit - £40 of drugs
Thats not what an older is ;

benz isnt an amount its just 10 quid worth, 8 ball is supposed to be 3.5 cos its an 8th of 28 which is n ounce, trek is already there, link means to meet someone ;

ut your bare keen still